A chart library by Contrail using D3 and Backbone. Please see contrail-charts-demo for more examples using this library.
Node version > 6
If you are using NPM, use
npm install contrail-charts
Otherwise, download the latest release and run the following command.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
npm install
To build, use
npm run build
You'll find the js
and css
under build/
For dev environment, use
npm run dev
This will build and load the examples on browser at http://localhost:9000.
To run unit tests, use
npm run test
Under CI infrastructure, we use phantomjs. If you want to run under headless browser:
npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt
and do npm run test-headless
Refer documentation for different types of charts, components and their config options.
This project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
Sign the Contributor License Agreement
Guidelines for commit logs
Start commit message with a short (~50 characters) 1-line summary paragraph i.e. a single very brief line followed by a blank line. Rest of the commit log can be zero or more paragraphs. Each line within a paragraph should be <= 72 characters.
Include a Github issue number by adding Closes #NNN. For more details please read Github help.