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Documenter.jl committed Sep 3, 2024
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# LaplaceRedux

#| echo: false
using Pkg; Pkg.activate("docs")
# Import libraries
using Flux, Plots, TaijaPlotting, Random, Statistics, LaplaceRedux, LinearAlgebra

`LaplaceRedux.jl` is a library written in pure Julia that can be used for effortless Bayesian Deep Learning through Laplace Approximation (LA). In the development of this package I have drawn inspiration from this Python [library]( and its companion [paper]( [@daxberger2021laplace].

## 🚩 Installation

The stable version of this package can be installed as follows:

using Pkg

The development version can be installed like so:

using Pkg

## 🏃 Getting Started

If you are new to Deep Learning in Julia or simply prefer learning through videos, check out this awesome YouTube [tutorial]( by [doggo.jl]( 🐶. Additionally, you can also find a [video]( of my presentation at JuliaCon 2022 on YouTube.

## 🖥️ Basic Usage

`LaplaceRedux.jl` can be used for any neural network trained in [`Flux.jl`]( Below we show basic usage examples involving two simple models for a regression and a classification task, respectively.

### Regression

#| echo: false
using LaplaceRedux
using LaplaceRedux.Data: toy_data_regression
using Flux.Optimise: update!, Adam
# Data:
n = 150 # number of observations
σtrue = 0.3 # true observational noise
x, y = toy_data_regression(n; noise=σtrue)
xs = [[x] for x in x]
X = permutedims(x)
data = zip(xs,y)
# Model:
n_hidden = 50
D = size(X,1)
nn = Chain(
Dense(D, n_hidden, tanh),
Dense(n_hidden, 1)
loss(x, y) = Flux.Losses.mse(nn(x), y)
# Training:
opt = Adam(1e-3)
epochs = 1000
avg_loss(data) = mean(map(d -> loss(d[1],d[2]), data))
show_every = epochs/10
for epoch = 1:epochs
for d in data
gs = gradient(Flux.params(nn)) do
l = loss(d...)
update!(opt, Flux.params(nn), gs)
if epoch % show_every == 0
println("Epoch " * string(epoch))
@show avg_loss(data)

A complete worked example for a regression model can be found in the [docs]( Here we jump straight to Laplace Approximation and take the pre-trained model `nn` as given. Then LA can be implemented as follows, where we specify the model `likelihood`. The plot shows the fitted values overlaid with a 95% confidence interval. As expected, predictive uncertainty quickly increases in areas that are not populated by any training data.

#| output: true
la = Laplace(nn; likelihood=:regression)
fit!(la, data)
plot(la, X, y; zoom=-5, size=(500,500))

#| echo: false
using Plots.PlotMeasures
anim = Animation()
N = 100
_every = Int(round(N/10))
zoom = -3
for n in _every:_every:length(first(data,N))
la = Laplace(nn; likelihood=:regression)
fit!(la, Iterators.take(data,n))
plt = plot(
la, X[:,1:n], y[1:n];
zoom=-2, size=(600,200), clegend=false, axis=nothing, legend=false, margin = -5mm, ms=4
frame(anim, plt)
gif(anim, "dev/www/intro.gif", fps=1)

### Binary Classification

#| echo: false
using LaplaceRedux.Data: toy_data_non_linear
# Data:
xs, ys = toy_data_non_linear(200)
X = hcat(xs...) # bring into tabular format
data = zip(xs,ys)
# Model:
n_hidden = 10
D = size(X,1)
nn = Chain(
Dense(D, n_hidden, σ),
Dense(n_hidden, 1)
loss(x, y) = Flux.Losses.logitbinarycrossentropy(nn(x), y)
# Training:
opt = Adam()
epochs = 500
avg_loss(data) = mean(map(d -> loss(d[1],d[2]), data))
show_every = epochs/10
for epoch = 1:epochs
for d in data
gs = gradient(Flux.params(nn)) do
l = loss(d...)
update!(opt, Flux.params(nn), gs)
if epoch % show_every == 0
println("Epoch " * string(epoch))
@show avg_loss(data)

Once again we jump straight to LA and refer to the [docs]( for a complete worked example involving binary classification. In this case we need to specify `likelihood=:classification`. The plot below shows the resulting posterior predictive distributions as contours in the two-dimensional feature space: note how the **Plugin** Approximation on the left compares to the Laplace Approximation on the right.

#| output: true
la = Laplace(nn; likelihood=:classification)
fit!(la, data)
la_untuned = deepcopy(la) # saving for plotting
optimize_prior!(la; n_steps=100)
# Plot the posterior predictive distribution:
p_plugin = plot(la, X, ys; title="Plugin", link_approx=:plugin, clim=(0,1))
p_untuned = plot(la_untuned, X, ys; title="LA - raw (λ=$(unique(diag(la_untuned.prior.P₀))[1]))", clim=(0,1), zoom=zoom)
p_laplace = plot(la, X, ys; title="LA - tuned (λ=$(round(unique(diag(la.prior.P₀))[1],digits=2)))", clim=(0,1), zoom=zoom)
plot(p_plugin, p_untuned, p_laplace, layout=(1,3), size=(1700,400))

## 📢 JuliaCon 2022

This project was presented at JuliaCon 2022 in July 2022. See [here]( for details.

## 🛠️ Contribute

Contributions are very much welcome! Please follow the [SciML ColPrac guide]( You may want to start by having a look at any open [issues](

## 🎓 References


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