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Add concurrency safe iterator wrapper ChannelLike (#121)
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`ChannelLike` wraps an indexable object such that it can be iterated by
concurrent tasks in a safe manner similar to a `Channel`. This is
instead of `Channel` in the chunked `GreedyScheduler`.
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fredrikekre authored Sep 27, 2024
1 parent de0227b commit b6fa541
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Showing 7 changed files with 91 additions and 10 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Version 0.7.0
- ![BREAKING][badge-breaking] If you provide a `chunks` or `index_chunks` as input we now disable the internal chunking without a warning. Previously, we did show a warning unless you had set `chunking=false`. In contrast, we now throw an error when you set any incompatible chunking related keyword arguments.
- ![Deprecation][badge-deprecation] The `split` options `:batch` and `:scatter` are now deprecated (they still work but will be dropped at some point). Use `:consecutive` and `:roundrobin`, respectively, instead.
- ![Enhancement][badge-enhancement] The `split` keyword argument can now also be a `<: OhMyThreads.Split`. Compared to providing a `Symbol`, the former can potentially give better performance. For example, you can replace `:consecutive` by `OhMyThreads.Consecutive()` and `:roundrobin` by `OhMyThreads.RoundRobin()`.
- ![Feature][badge-feature] `ChannelLike` is a new public (but not exported) type. `ChannelLike(itr)` provide a way to iterate over `itr` in a concurrency safe manner similar to `Channel`. See the docstring for more details. ([#121][gh-pr-121])
- ![Enhancement][badge-enhancement] `ChannelLike` is used internally for the `GreedyScheduler` when `chunking=true`. This improves performance overall but it is especially noticeable when the number of chunks is large. ([#121][gh-pr-121])

Version 0.6.2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,3 +138,4 @@ Version 0.2.0

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/literate/tls/tls.jl
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Expand Up @@ -382,6 +382,13 @@ sort(res_nu) ≈ sort(res_channel_flipped)
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 2 * nthreads());
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 10 * nthreads());

# In addition, OhMyThreads provides an iterator-wrapper type
# [`OhMyThreads.ChannelLike`](@ref) which can be used in place of a `Channel`. If
# the number of elements is large this can be more efficient since there is no
# need to copy the elements into the `Channel`. Concretely, in the example above,
# we could replace `Channel() do .. end` with
# `OhMyThreads.ChannelLike(1:length(As))`.

# ## Bumper.jl (only for the brave)
# If you are bold and want to cut down temporary allocations even more you can
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/literate/tls/
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Expand Up @@ -490,6 +490,13 @@ Quick benchmark:

In addition, OhMyThreads provides an iterator-wrapper type
[`OhMyThreads.ChannelLike`](@ref) which can be used in place of a `Channel`. If
the number of elements is large this can be more efficient since there is no
need to copy the elements into the `Channel`. Concretely, in the example above,
we could replace `Channel() do .. end` with

## Bumper.jl (only for the brave)

If you are bold and want to cut down temporary allocations even more you can
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/refs/
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Expand Up @@ -61,4 +61,5 @@ SerialScheduler
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/implementation.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Implementation

import OhMyThreads: treduce, tmapreduce, treducemap, tforeach, tmap, tmap!, tcollect
using OhMyThreads: @spawn, @spawnat, WithTaskLocals, promise_task_local
using OhMyThreads: @spawn, @spawnat, WithTaskLocals, promise_task_local, ChannelLike
using OhMyThreads.Tools: nthtid
using OhMyThreads: Scheduler,
DynamicScheduler, StaticScheduler, GreedyScheduler,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ function _tmapreduce(f,
ntasks = min(length(first(Arrs)), ntasks_desired)
ch_len = length(first(Arrs))
# TODO: Use ChannelLike for iterators that support it. Dispatch on IndexLinear?
ch = Channel{Tuple{eltype.(Arrs)...}}(ch_len; spawn = true) do ch
for args in zip(Arrs...)
put!(ch, args)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,11 +256,9 @@ function _tmapreduce(f,
ntasks_desired = scheduler.ntasks
ntasks = min(length(chnks), ntasks_desired)

ch = Channel{typeof(first(chnks))}(length(chnks); spawn = true) do ch
for args in chnks
put!(ch, args)
# ChunkSplitters.IndexChunks support everything needed for ChannelLike
ch = ChannelLike(chnks)

tasks = map(1:ntasks) do _
# Note, calling `promise_task_local` here is only safe because we're assuming that
# Base.mapreduce isn't going to magically try to do multithreading on us...
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/schedulers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -233,8 +233,9 @@ end
GreedyScheduler (aka :greedy)
A greedy dynamic scheduler. The elements of the collection are first put into a `Channel`
and then dynamic, non-sticky tasks are spawned to process the channel content in parallel.
A greedy dynamic scheduler. The elements are put into a shared workqueue and dynamic,
non-sticky, tasks are spawned to process the elements of the queue with each task taking a new
element from the queue as soon as the previous one is done.
Note that elements are processed in a non-deterministic order, and thus a potential reducing
function **must** be [commutative]( in
Expand All @@ -249,10 +250,10 @@ some additional overhead.
* Determines the number of parallel tasks to be spawned.
* Setting `ntasks < nthreads()` is an effective way to use only a subset of the available threads.
- `chunking::Bool` (default `false`):
* Controls whether input elements are grouped into chunks (`true`) or not (`false`) before put into the channel. This can improve the performance especially if there are many iterations each of which are computationally cheap.
* Controls whether input elements are grouped into chunks (`true`) or not (`false`) before put into the shared workqueue. This can improve the performance especially if there are many iterations each of which are computationally cheap.
* If `nchunks` or `chunksize` are explicitly specified, `chunking` will be automatically set to `true`.
- `nchunks::Integer` (default `10 * nthreads()`):
* Determines the number of chunks (that will eventually be put into the channel).
* Determines the number of chunks (that will eventually be put into the shared workqueue).
* Increasing `nchunks` can help with [load balancing]( For `nchunks <= nthreads()` there are not enough chunks for any load balancing.
- `chunksize::Integer` (default not set)
* Specifies the desired chunk size (instead of the number of chunks).
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions src/types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,3 +71,66 @@ promise_task_local(f::Any) = f
function (f::WithTaskLocals{F})(args...; kwargs...) where {F}
promise_task_local(f)(args...; kwargs...)

This struct wraps an indexable object such that it can be iterated by concurrent tasks in a
safe manner similar to a `Channel`.
`ChannelLike(itr)` is conceptually similar to:
Channel{eltype(itr)}(length(itr)) do ch
foreach(i -> put!(ch, i), itr)
i.e. creating a channel, `put!`ing all elements of `itr` into it and closing it. The
advantage is that `ChannelLike` doesn't copy the data.
# Examples
ch = OhMyThreads.ChannelLike(1:5)
@sync for taskid in 1:2
Threads.@spawn begin
for i in ch
println("Task #\$taskid processing item \$i")
sleep(1 / i)
# output
Task #1 processing item 1
Task #2 processing item 2
Task #2 processing item 3
Task #2 processing item 4
Task #1 processing item 5
Note that `ChannelLike` is stateful (just like a `Channel`), so you can't iterate over it
The wrapped iterator must support `firstindex(itr)::Int`, `lastindex(itr)::Int` and
`getindex(itr, ::Int)`.
mutable struct ChannelLike{T}
const itr::T
@atomic idx::Int
function ChannelLike(itr::T) where {T}
return new{T}(itr, firstindex(itr) - 1)

Base.length(ch::ChannelLike) = length(ch.itr)
Base.eltype(ch::ChannelLike) = eltype(ch.itr)

function Base.iterate(ch::ChannelLike, ::Nothing = nothing)
this = @atomic ch.idx += 1
if this <= lastindex(ch.itr)
return (@inbounds(ch.itr[this]), nothing)
return nothing

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