Quick summary of the repo:
/Infrastructure - IAC code made with Azure bicep. Start from main.bicep.
/front - React Single Page App.
/api - Backend API for the React App.
/serviceWorker - distributed node with two functions.
/dbApi - MongoDB API that calls Cosmos DB.
/.github - GitHub Actions for app deployment.
/docs - original markdowns (not really uptodate), final docx.
- Jukka (Azure, Architecture, DevOpsy-stuff)
- Jari (Node.js, React)
- Ville (Node.js)
Initial choices:
- Azure Paas (Platform as a service).
- Azure Static Web Apps for frontend single page application
- Azure Functions for simulating nodes.
- Azure Service Bus for message queues.
- OR Azure Event Grid for event handling.
- Azure Storage (File share) for storing files.
- Javascript/nodejs for implementation.
- Application Insights for logging
Event Grid vs Event Hub vs Service Bus
Event Grid custom topics
Azure Function as event handler
Azure Function docs
Azure Files
Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Event Grid
MongoDB API for Cosmos DB
Azure Static Web Apps with node.js
Route custom events to Azure Functions with Event Grid
Event Grid js library
Service Bus queues and topics
Service Bus
Message queues with javascript
Javascript Service Bus samples
Azure Storage File Share javascript library