The objective of this API is to manage customer data for a shop.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# build with hot reload
$ npm run devStart
# build for production
$ npm run start
# NOTE: Remember to add your enviroment variables =>
All the endpoints are preceeded by /app
Verb | Route | Description | Auth. | Body Params | Returns | Notes |
POST | /auth/login | Log in with email and password | - | email, password | token, email, id | - |
Verb | Route | Description | Auth. | Body Params | Returns | Notes |
GET | /user | Get a list of all Users | Admin | - | List with all Users | Pagination of 10 pages by default. It can be changed using query (limit and page) |
GET | /user/:userId | Get an User by userId | Admin | - | User | - |
POST | /user | Register a new User in the App | Admin | name, email, password, role | User created | - |
PUT | /user/:userId | Update an User by id | Admin | name, email, password, role | User updated | - |
DELETE | /user/:userId | Delete an User by userId | Admin | - | User deleted | - |
Verb | Route | Description | Auth. | Body Params | Returns | Notes |
GET | /customer | Get a list with all customers | Admin, User | - | List with all Customers | Pagination of 10 pages by default. It can be changed using query (limit and page) |
GET | /customer/:customerId | Get a Customer by customerId | Admin, User | - | Customer | - |
POST | /customer | Register a new Customer in the App | Admin, User | name, email, surname, photo, creator, lastModified | Customer created | - |
PUT | /customer/:customerId | Update a Customer by id | Admin, User | name, email, surname, photo, creator, lastModified | Customer updated | - |
DELETE | /customer/:customerId | Delete a Customer by userId | Admin, User | - | Customer deleted | - |