This tool can package all German bibles from nicely:
- as MYBIBLE-Files for MySword Bible
- as SQLITE-File for OpenLP Presenter Software
Please respect the copyright and don't publish bible texts anywhere without consent of the publishers!
Support for English and Spanish translations is included, but disabled in the released JAR file. If needed, this functionality must be activated in the source code and a new JAR file compiled manually.
Start the released JAR using Java 11 or above with an (empty) directory as parameter, e.g.
java -jar bibleserver-scraper-DE-1.0.0.jar PATH/TO/TARGET/DIRECTORY
It will show you on the standard output what it does. If all goes well, it will create ten German bible modules (ELB, EU, GNB, HFA, LUT, MENG, NEÜ, NLB, SLT, and ZB) for MySword (.mybible) and OpenLP (.sqlite).
You have to copy the resulting files to your device, either by mailing them to yourself or via Android Debug Bridge:
adb push *.mybible /storage/emulated/0/mysword/bibles
In order to use exported bibles in OpenLP you have to copy SQLITE-Files to your OpenLP-Data-Folder.
On Windows-System this folder can be found at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\openlp\data\bibles
On Linux-Systems it is /home/<user>/.config/OpenLP/