Use multiple keybinds for multiple different clip lengths ranging from 30s to 5 minutes.
This script is in no way, shape, or form associated with, Ferox, or any of it's team. This is an individual project made with the help and guidance of Medal Staff, however, this is not their responsibility. Read the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of the page to find how to contact me.
EXTRACT THE FILES FIRST OR ELSE YOU'LL HAVE A BAD TIME (you know who you are person who made me have to put this)
Before running any scripts, please put your clip folder directory in the "ClipsLocation.txt" file.
Also put the location you want your clips to output to in "ClipOutput.txt"
After you input your Clip Directoreis, run "RunFirst.bat"
If you have a hotkey other than Medal's default F8, you need to edit what keybind it uses in "Working.ahk"
Run "Working.ahk"
Set your clip length in Medal to 5 Minutes
Launch a game and press any of the hotkeys: F9: 30 Seconds F10: 45 Seconds F11: 90 Seconds and F12: 120 Seconds
If your clips aren't saving to your output, edit the Working.AHK file and raise your delay (in miliseconds)
If that does not help, contact me through discord at -Josh-#1082.
If my username has changed by the time this is released, I moderate at the discord server, and I'm sure you can find me there.