Downloads files from HandIn filtering by netids and filename fuzzy matching. Also lists by assignment who did not submit anything. Includes a feature to show histogram data from D2L about prelabs sorted by your netids and list who is struggling.
Usage: [(--user=NETID | --list=FILE)] [--filter=FILTER] [--out=DIR] [--recent] [(--user=NETID | --list=FILE)] [--prelab=PLFILE] [-h]
Downloads files from HandIn filtering by netids and filename lazy matching. Also lists by assignment who did not submit anything, and provides an email formatted version of that list for emailing. Another function allows viewing score details of prelabs, filtering by netids.
-h, --help Show this message
-u, --user=NETID Downloads files only for a single student
-l, --list=FILE Downloads files for many students, netids in file (instead of -u)
-f, --filter=FILTER Filename filter. la,pro matches,,
-o, --out=DIR Download files to directory (default: ./downloaded)
-r, --recent For each request, only downloads the latest version
-p, --prelab=PLFILE Filename of the prelab csv from D2L. Details scores <= 60%
Examples: --user mynetid --filter 01 --out week1 -r
This would download all first week ('01') files (of the latest revision) for the user mynetid into a directory week1. --list mysec730NetIDsFile --filter lab
This would download all labs for all students listed in the file mysec730NetIDsFile, and download all versions of the labs submitted. --list mysec730NetIDsFile --filter pro,lab
Same as the previous example, but downloads all projects and labs. --list mysec730NetIDsFile --prelab d2lpl01.csv
This gives a histogram breakdown of who scored low on the prelab, as well as singular and summary email formatted lines for contact.