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Jory Hogeveen edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 6 revisions

All API methods are within the VAA_API class.


Method: VAA_API::user_has_full_access( $user )
Since: 1.8.0
Check if a user has full access to this plugin.

@param   \WP_User|int  $user  The user to check.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::is_super_admin( $user = null )
Since: 1.6.3
Since: 1.8.0 Check full access.
Check if the user is a super admin.
This check is more strict for single installations since it checks VAA_API::user_has_full_access.
It will validate the original user while in a view and no parameter is passed.

@param   int|\WP_User  $user  (optional) Default: current user.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::is_superior_admin( $user )
Since: 1.6.0
Since: 1.6.3 Improve is_super_admin() check
Since: 1.8.0 Enhance code to reflect VAA_API::is_super_admin() changes.
Check if the user is a superior admin.
It will validate the original user while in a view and no parameter is passed.

@param   int|\WP_User  $user  (optional) Default: current user.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::get_superior_admins()
Since: 1.6.0
Get the superior admin ID's

@return int[]


Method: VAA_API::get_current_view( $type = null )
Since: 1.8.3
Get the current active view. Returns null if no view (type) is active.

@param   string  $type  View type. Will return `null` if this view type is not active.
@return  mixed


Method: VAA_API::is_view_active( $type = null )
Since: 1.8.4
Is the current user in an active view.

@param   bool   $type  (optional) Check for a single view type.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::is_current_view( $data, $type = null )
Since: 1.7.1
Check if the provided data is the same as the current view.

@param   mixed  $data
@param   bool   $type  Only compare a single view type instead of all view data?
                       If set, the data value should be the single view type data.
                       If data is `null` then it will return true if that view type is active.
                       If data is `false` then it will return true if this is the only active view type.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::is_user_modified()
Since: 1.7.2
Is the current user modified?
Returns true if the currently active user's capabilities or roles are changed by the selected view.

@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::current_view_can( $cap, $caps = array() )
Since: 1.7.2
Similar function to current_user_can() but applies to the currently active view.

@param   string  $cap   The capability.
@param   array   $caps  (optional) Capabilities to compare to.
                        Defaults to the selected caps for the current view.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::update_view( $view )
Since: 1.8.3
Set the current view.

@param   array  $view  The view.
@return  bool


Method: VAA_API::get_vaa_action_link( $data, $url = null, $nonce = null )
Since: 1.7.0
Since: 1.8.2 Switched $nonce and $url parameters order.
Generate a VAA action link.

@param   array   $data   View type data.
@param   string  $url    (optional) A URL. Of not passed it will generate a link from the current URL.
@param   string  $nonce  (optional) Use a different nonce. Pass `false` to omit nonce.
@return  string


Method: VAA_API::get_reset_link( $url = '', $all = false )
Since: 1.6.0
Appends the "reset-view" parameter to the current URL.

@param   string  $url  (optional) Supply the URL to create the reset link.
@param   bool    $all  (optional) Reset all views link?
@return  string


Method: VAA_API::remove_reset_link( $url = '' )
Since: 1.6.0
Removes the "reset-view" or "reset-all-views" parameter to the current URL.

@param   string  $url  (optional) Supply the URL to remove the reset link.
@return  string