Note: That's my first C++ program. Don't judge me for maybe messy/bad code =P
A little programm to simulate keystrokes using input-parameters for Elgato Stream Deck
Start Server - you can move it to the autostart-folder (there will nothing happen. The server runs in background without any GUI)
Create "Open"-Shurtcut on Elgato Stream Deck:
App:File/ "C:\Path\To The\Client.exe" parm1 parm2 !parm3
- click where you want.
- Press your Key on Elgato Stream Deck
- Be happy :)
It's based on german keyboad-layout. I did not test it with other layouts!
These Keys are not working (with german keyboard layout) at the moment: € ² ³ ´ µ Ä Ö Ü ß ä ö ü
PS: Im using it to write emotes to some lovely Twitch-Channels