This project is used to save the "Discover Weekly" playlist created by Spotify. The jar is executed by a cron job every week and stores the songs in a different playlist.
The app.config is the configuration file and must be located in the same folder as the jar.
If there is no app.config, the program will request all parameters.
In order to use the Spotify API, a client ID and a client secret are required.
These can be created here:
Spotify Developer Dashboard
From Developer Dashboard
From Developer Dashboard
The Playlist ID from the Discover Weekly Playlist
The Playlist ID of the playlist in which the songs should be saved
Used to generate an access token, more below
True or False depending on whether duplicates should be removed
Since the application runs in the background, no login with spotify is possible to get an access token.
Therefore, a refresh token is used here, which can be used to generate an access token.
You can find out more here: Authorization Code Flow
A refresh token can be generated with the Spotify Auth examples
Since this is a Gradle project, Gradle must be installed to build the project. Gradle
After that you can simply type gradlew jar
and the jar file will be built. The jar file is then located in /build/libs