This is a shell script that removes friends from your account that have been inactive for longer than a set date. Default is 2021-01-01.
If you accidentally delete too many friends, don't delete any freinds_{date}.txt files
They can be used to recover friends.
In order for the script to manage your friends list on your behalf, you need to provide it with your credentials.
- Log into
- Open developer menu, F12 on firefox
- Go to Networking tab and Refresh the page
- Click a request that appeared in the list
- On the menu on the right, click Cookies
- Look in the section Request Cookies
- Copy the value of "auth" into authCookie variable in the script
- Copy the value of "apiKey" into apiKey variable in the script
This script has three configuration properties.
cutoffDate="2021-01-01T00:00:1.000Z" # Remove all friends who haven't logged in after this date
authCookie - your authentication cookie that you found in the previous step.
cutoffDate - UNIX format date defining how long a friends have to have been inactive for before it is removed.
apiKey - VRChat API key. Haven't looked up what this does, but it is required.
Download the script and run it using a shell terminal.
You can download one by downloading git shell for windows at:
Or you can set up WSL and effectifely run Ubuntu within windows:
You may need to add permissions to exexute the script:
chmod +x
Run the script in the bash shell with:
Testing credentials
Hello JonShard
Fetching friends...
Do you want to delete these friends? (3)
If you're sure type 'yes' and hit enter
{"success":{"message":"Friendship destroyed","status_code":200}}
{"success":{"message":"Friendship destroyed","status_code":200}}
{"success":{"message":"Friendship destroyed","status_code":200}}
If you accidentally delete too many friends, don't delete any freinds_{date}.txt files*
They can be used to recover friends.
All the removed friends are stored in the friends file like:
"id": "usr_1a131e99-5221-4bbc-bfed-80428e489708",
"username": "mybestfriend",
"last_login": "2019-03-02T14:54:21.545Z"
"id": "usr_81325b96-5078-487d-ba4a-ddf9a55f65bc",
"username": "yomama",
"last_login": "2020-02-27T14:16:42.201Z"
You can find any friend in this list by putting their user id
in this url:
Then you can send them a friends request to re-add you.