- Allow for only_once setting to prevent lazyload from initializing on images that have already been loaded.
- Allow different elements to use different containers (Rob Walch)
- Fix bug #18. Document was always scrolled to top issue on IE 7 and Chrome 17 if using jQuery 1.6 or older. (Ross Allen)
- General code speedup (Valentin Zwick)
- Optimized viewport selectors. Around 25% speed increase compared to 1.6.0.
- Add data_attribute parameter. Allows custom naming of original data attribute. (Bryan Chow)
- Track window resize event. (Simon Baynes)
- Add appear event. This function is called when image appears to viewport but before it is loaded.
- Add load event. This function is called when image is loaded. (Nick Larson)
- Renamed effectspeed parameter to effect_speed. Old version will still works couple of versions. This parameter was previously undocumented.
- Fix failure_limit bug #19. (Brandon)
- Rename original attribute to data-original to be HTML5 friendly.
- Remove all code regarding placeholder and automatically removing src attribute. It does not work with modern browsers. Must use data-original attribute instead.
- Add support for James Padolseys scrollstop event. Use when you have hundreds of images.
- Add skip_invisible parameter. When true plugin will skip invisible images. (Valentin Zwick)
- Renamed failurelimit parameter to failure_limit. Old version will still work couple of versions.
- Support for removing the src attribute already in HTML. This is not a drop in solution but gives additional speed for those who need it. (Jeremy Pollock)
- When scrolling down quickly do not load the images above the top. (Bart Bruil)
- Support for scrolling within a container.
- Fixed IE not loading images.