#clplot - Command Line Plotting
##A command line plotting utility written in python
We live on pypi!
pip install commandlineplot
###John Novak
john (period) franc (period) novak (at) gmail (dot) com
This project was born: June 6, 2012
Last Updated: Check the Repo
####What it is:
an intelligent command line plotting utility. You give it a text file (or multiple text files) and it gives you plots. It can take a decent handful of plotting flags giving the user the ability to make relatively complicated and customized plots quickly.
###Note to the discerning:
Sep 11, 2013:
This is not the most elegant piece of code that was ever written. This was one of the first python projects I ever took on, before I had ever even heard of 'pep8'. It grew like a wet thing in a dark corner. "Rewrite plot code" has been on my to-do list for 6 months, but I haven't done it yet. Why? Two reasons: I'm trying to finish my doctorate, so this isn't a top priority, and frankly, it works. I crack it open all the time and add things that I need (like error bands, axes scaling, hollow points, etc) and I think "this needs to be gutted". Once the university accepts my thesis, then I'll attack this. Well, maybe beer first, then I'll attack this.
May 9, 2014: The time has come to get this code up to snuff. I have returned, christened with my PhD.
####To use:
python clplot.py
for more information call
python clplot.py -help
####Contents of this file:
clplot/clplot.py - the heart of the program.
clplot/plot.py - sub-module handles the actual plotting.
clplot/structure.py - sub-module which handles the automatic structure determination.
clplot/helpers.py - sub-module which is collection of helper functions.
clplot/data_handler.py - sub-module which handles file interactions.
clplot/globe.py - sub-module which holds shared globals.
clplot/test/various .txt files - testing files