Enables to use Vue slots inside Storybook's CSF files.
- Vue 3 support
- Generate code snippets for stories with slots
- Control specific aspect of the slot via Storybook's controls
- Wrap slot content with components
pnpm add -D storybook-addon-vue-slots
Add the storybook-addon-vue-slots
to your plugins in main.ts
// .storybook/main.ts
export default {
// ...
addons: [
// ...
} satisfies StorybookConfig
npm run storybook
To run an example Storybook
By default, the addon will pass the [slotName]
arg to the template, e.x. {{ args.default }}
Add a description to the slot by passing a string to the slot definition:
// MyComponent.stories.ts
export default meta = {
parameters: {
slots: {
default: `Default slot content`,
Use args.[slotName]
inside the template to pass data from Storybook controls to the slot, or access other args.
// MyComponent.stories.ts
export default meta = {
parameters: {
slots: {
default: {
description: 'Default slot',
template: `<p>{{ args.default }}</p>`,
header: {
description: 'Header slot',
template: `<p>{{ args.header }}</p>`,
So, value of header
arg control in Storybook table is being passed into the slot template, allowing control of an aspect of the slot.
// MyComponent.stories.ts
export default meta = {
parameters: {
slots: {
default: {
description: 'Default slot',
template: `<p>{{ args.default }}</p>`,
header: {
description: 'Header slot',
components: { AppButton },
template: `<AppButton>{{ args.header }}</AppButton>`,
- Slots fallback support
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