Copy current post tags and rating on various boorus and illustration2vec in to the clipboard for easy import in to a program or another booru. Also works with boorutagparser-server to instantly save the full-size image on the page plus a txt file with its tags.
When on a booru post or I2V, a button will appear in the top right to copy all image tags including the rating. You can also press the ] key. The tags will go directly in to your clipboard. This is great for importing the tags in to a tagging program like Hydrus Network or another booru.
You can also use boorutagparser-server which will save the full-size image on the current page to your disk along with a .txt file with all the tags. This allows you to drag the entire folder in to Hydrus, importing all the files and tags along with them all at once.
Requires tampermonkey for chrome or greasemonkey for firefox
After you HAVE ONE OF THE ABOVE, click this link to add it to your browser.
Make a pull request or issue describing what page doesn't work, along with the URL.