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Code and Binaries

Ilya Baldin edited this page Oct 1, 2024 · 14 revisions

E2SAR Binaries

OS Packages

Pre-built .deb packages can be found here. For Ubuntu 20, 22 and 24 there are e2sar_<version>_amd64.deb containing E2SAR include files, library, python bindings and binaries. In addition to assist with developing E2SAR, .deb packages are provided containing just the dependencies for E2SAR called e2sar-deps_<version>_amd64.deb (these generally contain gRPC and Boost libraries of appropriate versions). All installs go under /usr/local/.

Linking with E2SAR

Once the debian packages are installed, the library can be liked using PkgConfig. The install path of the pkgconfig is /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/e2sar.pc. PkgConfig should be able to resolve this by itself otherwise you can set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH as an environment variable or pass it to your build system. You would also need to link with Boost, Protobuf, Threads and GRPC. An example cmake config to link with E2SAR is given below.


find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system url thread chrono random program_options REQUIRED )

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
find_program(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE pkg-config)
pkg_check_modules(E2SAR REQUIRED e2sar)
pkg_check_modules(GRPC REQUIRED grpc++)

add_library(e2sarSegmentor SHARED src/cpp/segmentor_actor.cpp )
target_link_libraries(e2sarSegmentor ${E2SAR_LIBRARIES}
${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${GRPC_LIBRARIES} ${Protobuf_LIBRARIES} Threads::Threads)

install(TARGETS ersapSegmentor DESTINATION "dest") 

OS-specific instructions

Be sure to set your PATH to include /usr/local/bin and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/local/lib. Similarly /usr/local/include should be on your include path when compiling:

$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

Ubuntu 20.04

  • Installation of Python3.10 is required:
$ sudo apt-get -yq update
$ sudo apt-get install -yq software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get -yq update
$ sudo apt-get -yq install python3.10
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.10 2


A command-line utility for issuing control plane gRPC commands.

$ ./build/bin/lbadm -h                                                                                                                                              [21:51:06]
E2SAR Version: 0.1.2
Command-line options:
  -h [ --help ]                     show this help message
  -l [ --lbname ] arg               specify name of the load balancer
  -i [ --lbid ] arg                 override/provide id of the loadbalancer
  -a [ --address ] arg              node IPv4/IPv6 address, can be used 
                                    multiple times for 'reserve' call
  -d [ --duration ] arg (=02:00:00) specify duration as '[hh[:mm[:ss]]]'
  -u [ --uri ] arg                  specify EJFAT_URI on the command-line 
                                    instead of the environment variable
  -n [ --name ] arg                 specify node name for registration
  -p [ --port ] arg                 node starting listening port number
  -w [ --weight ] arg (=1)          node weight
  -c [ --count ] arg (=1)           node source count
  -s [ --session ] arg              override/provide session id
  -q [ --queue ] arg (=0)           queue fill
  -t [ --ctrl ] arg (=0)            control signal value
  -r [ --ready ] arg (=1)           worker ready state (1 or 0)
  -o [ --root ] arg                 root cert for SSL communications
  -v [ --novalidate ]               don't validate server certificate 
                                    (conflicts with 'root')
  --minfactor arg (=0.5)            node min factor, multiplied with the number
                                    of slots that would be assigned evenly to 
                                    determine min number of slots for example, 
                                    4 nodes with a minFactor of 0.5 = (512 
                                    slots / 4) * 0.5 = min 64 slots
  --maxfactor arg (=2)              multiplied with the number of slots that 
                                    would be assigned evenly to determine max 
                                    number of slots for example, 4 nodes with a
                                    maxFactor of 2 = (512 slots / 4) * 2 = max 
                                    256 slots set to 0 to specify no maximum
  -6 [ --ipv6 ]                     force using IPv6 control plane address if 
                                    URI specifies hostname (disables cert 
  -4 [ --ipv4 ]                     force using IPv4 control plane address if 
                                    URI specifies hostname (disables cert 
  -e [ --export ]                   suppresses other messages and prints out 
                                    'export EJFAT_URI=<the new uri>' returned 
                                    by the LB
  --reserve                         reserve a load balancer (-l, -a, -d 
                                    required). Uses admin token.
  --free                            free a load balancer. Uses instance or 
                                    admin token.
  --version                         report the version of the LB. Uses admin or
                                    instance token.
  --register                        register a worker (-n, -a, -p, -w, -c 
                                    required), note you must use 'state' within
                                    10 seconds or worker is deregistered. Uses 
                                    instance or admin token.
  --deregister                      deregister worker. Uses instance or session
  --status                          get and print LB status. Uses admin or 
                                    instance token.
  --state                           send worker state update (must be done 
                                    within 10 sec of registration) (-q, -c, -r 
                                    required). Uses session token.
  --overview                        return metadata and status information on 
                                    all registered load balancers. Uses admin 
  --addsenders                      add 'safe' sender IP addresses to CP (one 
                                    or more -a required). Uses instance token.
  --removesenders                   remove 'safe' sender IP addresses from CP 
                                    (one or more -a required). Uses instance 


A command-line utility to monitor a particular instance of load balancer.

$ ./build/bin/lbmon -h                                                                                                                                              [21:55:15]
E2SAR Version: 0.1.2
Command-line options:
  -h [ --help ]         EJFAT LB MonitorThis tool can be used to either check 
                        the status of a reserved LB with an instance tokenor to
                        check the overview of the LB with an admin tokenIf lbid
                        is specified in EJFAT_URI/argument, it will default to 
                        status of LBEJFAT_URI must be specified in this format 
                        ejfat[s]://<token>@<cp name or ip>:<cp port>/lb/<lbid>
  -i [ --lbid ] arg     specify id of the loadbalancer as issued by reserve 
                        call instead of using what is in EJFAT_URI
  -o [ --root ] arg     root cert for SSL communications
  -v [ --novalidate ]   don't validate server certificate (conflicts with 
  -6 [ --ipv6 ]         prefer IPv6 control plane address if URI specifies 
                        hostname (disables cert validation)
  -4 [ --ipv4 ]         prefer IPv4 control plane address if URI specifies 
                        hostname (disables cert validation)
  -u [ --uri ] arg      specify EJFAT_URI on the command-line instead of the 
                        environment variable
  -t [ --time ] arg     specify refresh time in ms (default is 5000ms)


A command-line performance testing utility, somehwat similar to iperf, but specific to E2SAR

$ ./build/bin/e2sar_perf -h                                                                                                                                         [21:56:03]
E2SAR Version: 0.1.2
Command-line options:
  -h [ --help ]                   show this help message
  -s [ --send ]                   send traffic
  -r [ --recv ]                   receive traffic
  -l [ --length ] arg (=1048576)  event buffer length (defaults to 1024^2) [s]
  -u [ --uri ] arg                specify EJFAT_URI on the command-line instead
                                  of the environment variable
  -n [ --num ] arg (=10)          number of event buffers to send (defaults to 
                                  10) [s]
  -e [ --enum ] arg (=0)          starting event number (defaults to 0) [s]
  -m [ --mtu ] arg (=1500)        MTU (default 1500) [s]
  --src arg (=1234)               Event source (default 1234) [s]
  --dataid arg (=4321)            Data id (default 4321) [s]
  --threads arg (=1)              number of receive threads (defaults to 1) [r]
  --sockets arg (=4)              number of send sockets (defaults to 4) [r]
  --rate arg (=1)                 send rate in Gbps (defaults to 1.0)
  -p [ --period ] arg (=1000)     receive side reporting thread sleep period in
                                  ms (defaults to 1000) [r]
  -b [ --bufsize ] arg (=3145728) send or receive socket buffer size (default 
                                  to 3MB)
  -d [ --duration ] arg (=0)      duration for receiver to run for (defaults to
                                  0 - until Ctrl-C is pressed)
  -c [ --withcp ]                 enable control plane interactions
  -i [ --ini ] arg                INI file to initialize SegmenterFlags [s]] or
                                  ReassemblerFlags [r]. Values found in the 
                                  file override --withcp, --mtu and --bufsize
  --ip arg (=           IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) from which sender 
                                  sends from or on which receiver listens. 
                                  Defaults to [s,r]
  --port arg (=10000)             Starting UDP port number on which receiver 
                                  listens. Defaults to 10000. [r] 
  -6 [ --ipv6 ]                   force using IPv6 control plane address if URI
                                  specifies hostname (disables cert validation)
  -4 [ --ipv4 ]                   force using IPv4 control plane address if URI
                                  specifies hostname (disables cert validation)
  -v [ --novalidate ]             don't validate server certificate


A scapy script that can generate and listen for dataplane and sync control plane UDP messages. It can listen/generate sync UDP packets, data plane UDP packets with LB+RE headers and dataplane with only RE headers and arbitrary payloads:

$ ./ -h 
usage: [-h] (-l | -g) [-p PORT] [-c COUNT] [--ip IP] [--show] [--entropy ENTROPY] [--event EVENT] [--rate RATE] [--dataid DATAID] [--srcid SRCID] [--mtu MTU] [--pld PLD] [--iface IFACE] (--sync | --lbre | --re)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --listen          listen for incoming packets and try to parse and validate them
  -g, --generate        generate new packets of specific types
  -p PORT, --port PORT  UDP port (for -l and -g)
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        number of packet streams (if pld larger than mtu, otherwise packets) to generate or expect
  --ip IP               IP address to which to send the packet(s) or listen from
  --show                only show the packet without sending it (with -g)
  --entropy ENTROPY     entropy value for LB+RE packet
  --event EVENT         event number for sync, LB+RE and RE packet
  --rate RATE           event rate in Hz for Sync packet
  --dataid DATAID       data id for RE packet
  --srcid SRCID         source id for Sync packet
  --mtu MTU             set the MTU length, so LB+RE and RE packets can be fragmented.
  --pld PLD             payload for LB+RE or RE packets. May be broken up if MTU size insufficient
  --iface IFACE         which interface should we listen on (defaults to all)
  --sync                listen for or generate sync packets
  --lbre                listen for or generate packets with LB+RE header
  --re                  listen for or generate packets with just the RE header

Typical uses may include (note the scripts have sane defaults for everything, but can be overridden with command line):

Generate a LB+RE header packet with a specific payload. Only show it without sending (doesn't need root privilege)

$ ./ -g --lbre --pld "this is payload" --show -c 1 

Generate and send a LB+RE header packet to with a specific payload. Use default MTU of 1500.

$ ./ -g --lbre --pld "this is payload" --ip "" -c 1 

Generate and send a RE header packet to with a specific payload. Use MTU of 50.

$ ./ -g --re --pld "this is payload" --ip "" --mtu 50 -c 1 

Listen for 10 Sync packets sent to port 18347 then exit.

$ ./snifgen -l -p 18347 -c 10 --sync

Listen for 10 Sync packets sent to port 18347 then exit.

$ ./snifgen -l -p 18347 -c 10 --ip "" --sync

Parse PCAP file of the sender including both LBRE and Sync packets (LB packets sent to port 19522, Sync packets sent to port 19522, parse all available events -c 0):

$ ./ --parse --lbresync --file e2sar-sender-with-sync.pcap --port 19522 --syncport 19010 -c 0 > e2sar-sender-parsed-v2.txt

Parse PACP file for RE packets, produced on a worker listening on 4 ports starting from 10000:

$ ./ --parse --re --file e2sar-worker3.pcap --port 10000 --nports 4 -c 0 > e2sar-worker3-parsed.txt

Invocation help:

$ ./scripts/scapy/ -h                                                                                                                                     [21:56:23]
usage: [-h] (-l | -g | -a) [-p PORT] [-y SYNCPORT] [-n NPORTS] [-c COUNT] [--ip IP] [--show] [--entropy ENTROPY] [--event EVENT] [--rate RATE] [--dataid DATAID] [--srcid SRCID] [--mtu MTU] [--pld PLD]
                  [--iface IFACE] [-f FILE] (--sync | --lbre | --re | --lbresync)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --listen          listen for incoming packets and try to parse and validate them
  -g, --generate        generate new packets of specific types
  -a, --parse           parse a pcap file. The recommended way to capture is something like this 'sudo tcpdump -s 200 -tttt -i enp7s0 udp \( dst port 19522 or dst port 19523 \) -w e2sar.pcap'
  -p PORT, --port PORT  UDP data port (only port for --lbre, starting port for --re)
  -y SYNCPORT, --syncport SYNCPORT
                        UDP sync port
  -n NPORTS, --nports NPORTS
                        number of ports starting with -p to listen on for --re
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        number of events (if pld larger than mtu, otherwise packets) to generate or expect or parse
  --ip IP               IP address to which to send the packet(s) or listen from
  --show                only show the packet without sending it (with -g)
  --entropy ENTROPY     entropy value for LB+RE packet
  --event EVENT         event number for sync, LB+RE and RE packet
  --rate RATE           event rate in Hz for Sync packet
  --dataid DATAID       data id for RE packet
  --srcid SRCID         source id for Sync packet
  --mtu MTU             set the MTU length, so LB+RE and RE packets can be fragmented.
  --pld PLD             payload for LB+RE or RE packets. May be broken up if MTU size insufficient
  --iface IFACE         which interface should we listen on (defaults to all)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  pcap file name to parse
  --sync                listen for, parse or generate Sync packets
  --lbre                listen for, parse or generate packets with LB+RE header
  --re                  listen for, parse or generate packets with just the RE header
  --lbresync            listen for or parse LB+RE and Sync packets


The binaries are offered as part of a docker image available through DockerHub. To run e.g. lbadm from inside the container you can do something like this (in this example issuing a version() command):

$ docker run --rm ibaldin/e2sar:latest lbadm --version -u "ejfats://[email protected]:18347/" -v