http ssl ssh tunneling vpn for android and linux devices
- Now support combination ssl + payload
- Now support websocket
[+] apt install -y git openssh sshpass netcat-openbsd corkscrew screen python3 getconf tsu
[+] install $(sudo which iptables) -t $PREFIX/bin
past your data into file settings.ini
- note : if not woks in defaul auto_replace value , update it to auto_replace = 1 in file settings.ini
(root is required in android )
[+] git clone
- setup your custom payload and proxy (proxy not required)
[+] cd http-injector
[+] chmod +x hi pinger
[+] sudo ./hi
- choose your connection mode:
- note : to stop the script press CTRL + C
screenshots from : @megasniff_v2 (thanks a lot bro)