This is a website designed aiming to help the specially abled people. We have tried to include functionalities specific to their needs so they could use their computers like any other person out there.
install pycharm ide (3.8 ) from and clone the repository
git clone
imported libraries using:
pip install manage
pip install django
pip install django.shortcuts
pip install datetime
pip install home.models
pip install pyttsx3
pip install speech_recognition
pip install json
pip install requests
pip install gtts
pip install playsound
pip install pyaudio
pip install math
pip install numpy
pip install cv2
Note: playsound version 1.2.2 and pyttsx3 version 2.71 have been used.
For Face Shape predictor:
Speech to Text
Text to Speech
Eye Movement Control
Hand Gestures control
django-admin start project MyApp
As we go to the program directory and run the program we observe the Homepage of the
website.If you are are a registered user then you can signup or if not you can get
registered.As you successfully signup, you see our Homepage getting opened listing
options for AboutUs Categories and Contact Us.
As you want to know about what our website is really all about you could read it all in the
About Us section.
Further as you move and want to use the functionalities you can go to the Categories Section
and select feature as per your need, namely Speech to text,Text to Speech ,Eye Movement
Control and Hand Gesture Control.
Further if you wish to contact us you could Visit the Contact Us page and fill in the details.
Due to issues in version we could not incorporate the files of Eye Movements and Hand Gestures in the website.These files have been provided in the repository.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss how it could be resolved.
For pyaudio error:
For js file in static/ js/: