A bunch of desktop automation scripts
Helper functions used by the other scripts in this package.
Takes a "video" of a region and makes a GIF of it.
- Very useful for quickly demonstrating software bugs.
Takes a screenshot of a selected region, saves it to a file, then places it on the clipboard for pasting into Hangouts, GMail, and others.
- Useful for quickly pasting screenshots into MIME-aware applications
Simple GUI popup that appends the entered line into a text file.
- Useful for logging your progress during the work day
Implements a simple GUI popup to run commands (a la gmrun
- Useful to avoid dependency installation for a relatively simple function
"Types" out the contents of the X selection into the active window.
- Useful for applications where normal copy-paste is not effective, especially Dell iDRAC, HP iLO, KVM service consoles
- Also useful to paste scripts and other data into remote sessions like RDP
- Also useful for web sites that fuck with paste functionality (password fields for example)
A launch wrapper that limits an application to settable memory and CPU limits
- Keeps an application from eating all memory and CPU (chrome)