npm install
We're using yarn v3. make sure you have it installed
yarn install
cp config.yml.example config.yml
don't forget to fill the config file with the relevant information
To start the bot run
yarn start
Make sure you first change the api token in config.yml file with an apropriated token.
yarn test
yarn cli /yourplugincommand
Credits for @javierfernandes for the initial code
Tapebot is not a slack bot, is a slack user. Based on any @taperbot mention followed by /<plugin-name>
taperbot triggers a call to receive 3 basic arguments:
To make a custom action we will need a yaml config:
owner: U3FTH76RZ
apiToken: thisIsASecretToken
userId: U3FTH76RZ
debug: true
- C02TUBDTJ #anounces
- C052AP8CB #random
<plugin name>:
<options>: U3YV35Y2Z
And a callback function to handle command trigger:
export default (config, emitter, log) => {
- config is plugin configuration.
- emmiter is a EventEmitter to allow us send and receive events for core functionality.
- log is custom log actions we want for our plugin.