Configs, Environments, Variables, Plugins, etc.
- Getting Started:
bash install_dotfiles $HOME_DIR $DOTFILES_DIR
- Note: May need to remove ~/.tmux directory to avoid creating the symlink in the existing directory
- Vim:
- Theme: One Dark with Deus Airline
- Mode-dependent cursor type
- Global Plugins: Commentary, Polyglot, Vim-Eunuch, NerdTree, Autopairs, GitGutter, VimCompletesMe, Trailing Whitespace
- Host Dependent Plugins: Ripgrep, FZF, Visual Multiline, Taglist
- Auto-install Vim-Plug
- Vim keybindings for zsh and inputrc (i.e. inside python interpreter)
- Z Shell (zsh):
- Theme: Powerlevel10k if present or default to ys
- Plugins: git, python, vim (with visual indicators), autosuggest, syntax highlighting
- Paths for project dirs and aliases for CLI tools, handrolled scripts
- Tmux:
- Theme: Tmuxline using Vim Airline color scheme
- Key Remaps: Vim Bindings for pane resizing and davigation, Prefix Key -> A
- Remote Host Configs: Prefix Key -> G, Turn mouse mode off
- Git Precommit Hooks:
- Usage:
pre-commit install -c ~/.pre-commit-config.yaml
- Base Hooks: Flake8, Private Keys, Debug Statements, Merge Conflicts, Large Files, Trailing Whitespace, File Format (json, xml, etc.)
- Usage: