this is a very simple grpc-payments
inspired by:
run server:
cargo run --bin payments-server
run client:
cargo run --bin payments-client
and then input the corresponding information as prompted
This will output:
Response=Response { metadata: MetadataMap { headers:
{"content-type": "application/grpc",
"date": "XXX",
"grpc-status": "0"} },
message: BtcPaymentResponse {
successful: true,
message: "Send XXX BTC to XXX."
}, extensions: Extensions }
and output for server terminal:
We have request: Request { metadata: MetadataMap { headers:
{"te": "trailers",
"content-type": "application/grpc",
"tonic/0.7.2"} },
message: BtcPaymentRequest {
from_addr: "XXX",
to_addr: "XXX",
amount: XXX
}, extensions: Extensions }
XXX is based on yourself