CPEN 291 final project for team-corythosaurus
Note on how to run website (for now):
1. Open repos in VSCode
2. Open terminal in VScode (powershell)
3. Pip install the following libraries: Flask, gmplot, pandas, pytz, scikit-learn==0.24.1
4. Then run this in the terminal: python app.py
5. Open webbrowser and type this in the search bar above: http://localhost:5000/
EXTRA NOTE: The test_data_milestone3.csv file in data folder and in root folder is the same, i just copy it forward to make it easier to access using pickle methods
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/MQNqYUJkipQ
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Aaron McMillan - Geospatial Services | BC Wildfire Service
Paul D. Pickell, Ph.D., A.Ag. (He, Him, His) - Assistant Professor of Teaching - Geomatics
And of course, the CPEN 291 team.