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PAYNT (Probabilistic progrAm sYNThesizer) is a tool for the automated synthesis of probabilistic programs. PAYNT takes a program with holes (a so-called sketch) and a PCTL specification, and outputs a concrete hole assignment that yields a satisfying program, if such an assignment exists. PAYNT also supports the synthesis of finite-state controllers for POMDPs. Internally, PAYNT interprets the incomplete probabilistic program as a family of Markov chains and uses state-of-the-art synthesis methods on top of the model checker Storm to identify satisfying realization. PAYNT is implemented in Python and uses Stormpy, Python bindings for Storm. PAYNT is hosted on github.

PAYNT is described in

  • [1] PAYNT: A Tool for Inductive Synthesis of Probabilistic Programs by Roman Andriushchenko, Milan Ceska, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Simon Stupinsky

Most of the algorithms are described in

  • [2] Inductive Synthesis for Probabilistic Programs Reaches New Horizons by Roman Andriushchenko, Milan Ceska, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, TACAS 2021
  • [3] Counterexample-Driven Synthesis for Probabilistic Program Sketches by Milan Ceska, Christian Hensel, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, FM 2019.
  • [4] Shepherding Hordes of Markov Chains by Milan Ceska, Nils Jansen, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, TACAS 2019
  • [5] Inductive Synthesis of Finite-State Controllers for POMDPs by Roman Andriushchenko, Milan Ceska, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, UAI 2022.


PAYNT requires the synthesis fork of Storm and the corresponding synthesis fork of Stormpy. Upon installing Stormpy within a Python environment, you can activate this environment and call PAYNT, e.g.

source env/bin/activate
python3 --help

If you do not have Stormpy installed, you can download this repository, navigate to the root folder and run the installation script described in

git clone [email protected]:randriu/synthesis.git
cd synthesis

The script will automatically install dependencies and compile all the prerequisites necessary to run PAYNT. Complete compilation might take a couple of hours. To accelerate compilation, the install script makes use of multiple cores. Such multi-core compilation is quite memory-intensive: as a rule of thumb, we recommend allocating at least 2 GB RAM per core. For instance, for a machine with 4 CPU cores and at least 8 GB of RAM, the compilation should take around 30 minutes. Any errors you encounter during the compilation are most likely caused by the lack of memory. In such a case, you can modify variable COMPILE_JOBS in to match your preferences; setting the variable to 1 corresponds to the single-core compilation.

Running PAYNT

Upon enabling the Python environment, e.g.

source env/bin/activate

PAYNT can be executed using the command in the following form:

python3 [OPTIONS]

where the most important options are:

  • --project PROJECT: the path to the benchmark folder [required]
  • --sketch SKETCH: the file in the PROJECT folder containing the template description or a POMDP program [default: sketch.templ]
  • --constants STRING: the values of constants that are undefined in the sketch and are not holes, in the form: c1=0,c2=1
  • --props PROPS: the file in the PROJECT folder containing synthesis specification [default: sketch.props]
  • --method [onebyone|ar|cegis|hybrid|ar_multicore]: the synthesis method [default: ar]

Options associated with the synthesis of finite-state controllers (FSCs) for a POMDP include:

  • --filetype [prism|drn|pomdp]: input file format [default: prism]
  • --pomdp-memory-size INTEGER implicit memory size for POMDP FSCs [default: 1]
  • --fsc-synthesis: enables incremental synthesis of FSCs for a POMDP using iterative exploration of k-FSCs

Other options:

  • --help: shows the help message of the PAYNT and aborts
  • --export [drn|pomdp]: exports the model to .drn/.pomdp and aborts
  • --incomplete-search: uses incomplete search during synthesis

Here are various PAYNT calls:

python3 --project models/cav21/maze --props hard.props
python3 --project models/cav21/maze --props hard.props --method hybrid
python3 --project models/pomdp/uai/grid-avoid-4-0
python3 --project models/pomdp/uai/grid-avoid-4-0 --pomdp-memory-size 2
python3 --project models/pomdp/uai/grid-avoid-4-0 --pomdp-memory-size 5 --method ar_multicore
timeout 10s python3 --project models/pomdp/uai/grid-avoid-4-0 --fsc-synthesis

The python environment can be deactivated by runnning


Developer notes

The script contains useful macros for (re-)compiling Storm/Stormpy. Once loaded from the root folder:


a number of command-line macros become available. Command synthesis-install showcases the basic commands in the step-by-step installation of PAYNT.

In the development process, if the source code of Storm has been modified, but not its header files, it needs to be re-built (storm-build). If the header files were also modified, the re-configuration as well as Stormpy recompilation are necessary:


If you need to frequently modify the Storm source code, it might be a good idea to develop it in the debug mode:


Building in the debug mode using the commands above also disables link-time optimizations, accelerating compilation. The script uses different folders for the release (storm/build) and the debug (storm/build_debug) versions of Storm.

PAYNT tutorial (TBD)

For instance, here is a simple PAYNT call:

python3 paynt/ --project cav21-benchmark/grid --sketch sketch.templ --properties easy.props hybrid

The --project option specifies the path to the benchmark folder: now we will investigate the Grid model discussed in [1]. PAYNT inspects the content of this folder and locates the required files for the synthesis process: the sketch and the specification list. In the example above, the sketch file is cav21-benchmark/grid/sketch.templ (in this case, --sketch option could have been omitted), the specification file is cav21-benchmark/grid/ and the sketch does not have undefined constants, only holes. Finally, the last argument specifies the selected synthesis method: hybrid.

Getting started with PAYNT

Having the tool installed, you can quickly test it by navigating to the tool folder, activating the python environment and asking PAYNT to evaluate a simple synthesis problem:

cd /home/cav21/synthesis
source env/bin/activate
python3 paynt/ --project cav21-benchmark/dpm-demo  --properties sketch.props --method hybrid

The syntax of the command is described in more detail in the following chapters of this README. For now, we can see that we ask PAYNT to look at the sketch (located in directory cav21-benchmark/dpm-demo) for the dynamic power manager discussed in Section 2 in [1] and synthesize it wrt. specification in file cav21-benchmark/dpm-demo/sketch.props using the advanced hybrid approach. The tool will print a series of log messages and, in the end, a short summary of the synthesis process, similar to the one below:

formula 1: R[exp]{"requests_lost"}<=1 [F "finished"]
optimal setting: formula: R[exp]{"power"}min=? [F "finished"]; direction: min; eps: 0.0

method: Hybrid, synthesis time: 12.39 s
number of holes: 7, family size: 12150
super MDP size: 1502, average MDP size: 1502, MPD checks: 2, iterations: 1
average DTMC size: 172, DTMC checks: 2708, iterations: 1354

optimal: 9100.064246
hole assignment: P1=1,P2=0,P3=0,P4=2,T1=0.0,T3=0.8,QMAX=5

The contents of such summary will be again discussed later. Nonetheless, we can already notice the last line where tool reports a hole assignment that yields the optimal program. The python environment can be deactivated by runnning


Synthesizing probabilistic programs with PAYNT

Reading the output of PAYNT

Running PAYNT produces a sequence of log and a summary printed at the end of the synthesis process. For instance, if we run

python3 paynt/ --project cav21-benchmark/dpm-demo hybrid

we obtain the following summary:

formula 1: R[exp]{"requests_lost"}<=1 [F "finished"]
optimal setting: formula: R[exp]{"power"}min=? [F "finished"]; direction: min; eps: 0.0

method: Hybrid, synthesis time: 67.62 s
number of holes: 7, family size: 12150
super MDP size: 1502, average MDP size: 956, MPD checks: 116, iterations: 59
average DTMC size: 234, DTMC checks: 14206, iterations: 7103

optimal: 9100.064246
hole assignment: P1=1,P2=2,P3=2,P4=2,T1=0.0,T3=0.8,QMAX=5

This summary contains information about the synthesized sketch as well as the results of the synthesis process. The first lines repeat the synthesised specifications and, if included, the optimizing property. Next, the synthesis was carried out using the hybrid method and it on our machine it took 68 seconds. We can see that this particular DPM benchmark contains 7 holes (parameters) and 12K family members. The following lines are statistics about deductive (MDP-based) or inductive (counterexample-based) analysis, including sizes of analyzed MDPs/DTMCs, number of particular model checking calls, overall iterations count etc. Notice that only the hybrid method contains both MDP- and DTMC-related information since CEGIS never deals with MDPs, and AR works exclusively with MDPs.

Finally, the last lines show the synthesis result. In our case, PAYNT printed a hole assignment yielding optimal solution as well as the induced optimal value.

Sketching language

PAYNT takes as an input a sketch -- program description in PRISM language containing some undefined parameters (holes) with associated options from domains -- and a specification given as a list of temporal logic constraints (interpreted as a conjunction of these constrains) possibly including an optimal objective. Before explaining the sketching language, let us briefly present the key ideas of the PRISM language -- the full documentation of the language is available in the PRISM manual.

A PRISM program consists of one or more reactive modules that may interact with each other using synchronisation. A module has a set of (bounded) variables that span its state space. Possible transitions between states of a module are described by a set of guarded commands of the form:

[action] guard -> prob_1 : update_1 + ... + prob_n : update_n; 

If the guard evaluates to true, an update of the variables is chosen according to the probability distribution given by expressions p_1 through p_n. The actions are used to force two or more modules to make the command simultaneously (i.e. to synchronise).

Recall that the sketch is a PRISM program with holes and allows us to compactly describe a set of candidates program. The holes can appear in guards and updates. Replacing each hole with one of its options yields a complete program with the semantics given by a finite-state Markov chain.

We exemplify the usage of PAYNT by the following synthesis problem.

The server for request processing

Consider a server for request processing depicted in Figure above. Requests are generated (externally) in random intervals and upon arrival stored in a request queue of capacity Qmax. When the queue is full, the request is lost. The server has three profiles -- sleeping, idle and active -- that differ in their power consumption. The requests are processed by the server only when it is in the active state. Switching from a low-energy state into the active state requires additional energy as well as an additional random latency before the request can be processed. We further assume that the power consumption of request processing depends on the current queue size. The operation time of the server finite but given by a random process.

The goal of the synthesis process is to design power manager (PM) that controls the server. The PM observes the current queue size and then sets the desired power profile. We assume that the PM distinguishes between four queue occupancy levels determined by the threshold levels T1,T2, and T3. In other words, the PM observes the queue occupancy of the intervals: [0, T1], [T1, T2] etc. The values of these levels are unknown and thus are defined using four holes. For each occupancy level, the PM changes to the associated power profile P1, ..., P4 in {0,1,2}, where numbers 0 through 2 encode the profiles sleeping, idle and active}, respectively. The strategy which profile to used for the particular occupy is also unknown and thus defined using another four holes. Finally, the queue capacity Qmax is also unknown and thus the sketch includes in total 9 holes. In the sketch, the definition of the hole takes place outside of any module (typically in the beginning of the program) and must include its data type (int or double) as well as the domain:

// profiles desired at observation levels
// 0 - sleep, 1 - idle, 2 - active
hole int P1 in {0,1,2};
hole int P2 in {0,1,2};
hole int P3 in {0,1,2};
hole int P4 in {0,1,2};

// observation level thresholds
hole double T1 in {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4};
hole double T2 in {0.5};
hole double T3 in {0.6,0.7,0.8};

// queue size
hole int QMAX in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

The following sketch fragment describes the module for the described power manager. The modules implementing other components of the server are omitted here for brevity -- the entire sketch is available in this file.

module PM
    pm  :  [0..2] init 0; // 0 - sleep, 1 - idle, 2 - active
    [tick0] q <= T1*QMAX -> (pm'=P1);
    [tick0] q > T1*QMAX & q <= T2*QMAX -> (pm'=P2);
    [tick0] q > T2*QMAX & q <= T3*QMAX -> (pm'=P3);
    [tick0] q > T3*QMAX -> (pm'=P4);

Note that the domains of the holes defined above ensure that T1 < T2 < T3, however PAYNT further supports restrictions --- additional constraints on parameter combinations. The resulting sketch describes a design space of 10 x 5 x 4 x 34 = 16,200 different power managers where the average size of the underlying MC (of the complete system) is around 900 states.

Specification of the required behaviour

The goal is to find the concrete power manager, i.e., the instantiation of the holes, that minimizes power consumption while the expected number of lost requests during the operation time of the server is at most 1. In general, a specification is formalized as a list of temporal logic formulae in the PRISM syntax. Here is a specification available within the benchmark directory here:

R{"requests_lost"}<= 1 [ F "finished" ]
R{"power"}min=? [ F "finished" ]

We can see that the speicification file can additionally contain at most one optimizing property. Furthermore, one can specify relative precision for satisfying such criterion (epsilon-optimality), e.g.

R{"power"}min{0.05}=? [ F "finished" ]

For the given sketch and specification, PAYNT effectively explores the design space and finds a hole assignment inducing a program that satisfies the specification, provided that such assignment exists. Otherwise, it reports that such design does not exist. If the specification also includes an optimizing criterion, PAYNT will find hole assignments that satisfies constraints in the specification and has an optimal behaviour.

Interpretation of the synthesis results

PAYNT produces the following output containing the hole assignment and the quality wrt. the specification of the corresponding program:

optimal: 9100.064246
hole assignment: P1=1,P2=2,P3=2,P4=2,T1=0.0,T3=0.8,QMAX=5

The obtained optimal power manager has queue capacity 5 with thresholds (after rounding) at 0, 2 and 4. In addition, the power manager always maintains an active profile unless the request queue is empty, in which case the device is put into an idle state. This solution guarantees expected number of lost requests to be at most one and has the power consumption of 9,100 units. To double-check that there are no controllers having expected power consumption less than 9100, we can modify the specification file cav21-benchmark/dpm-demo/ as follows:

R{"requests_lost"} <= 1 [ F "finished" ]
R{"power"}<=9100 [ F "finished" ]

Running PAYNT again (with hybrid synthesis approach) will produce the following result

formula 1: R[exp]{"requests_lost"}<=1 [F "finished"]
formula 2: R[exp]{"power"}<=9100 [F "finished"]

method: Hybrid, synthesis time: 67.52 s
number of holes: 7, family size: 12150
super MDP size: 1502, average MDP size: 962, MPD checks: 116, iterations: 59
average DTMC size: 237, DTMC checks: 14126, iterations: 7063

feasible: no

from which we can see that PAYNT indeed proved non-existence of a better solution.

We might further consider a more complex program sketch Grid (discussed in [1]), where we synthesize controller for a robot in an unpredictable environment.

python3 paynt/ --project cav21-benchmark/grid --properties hybrid

This sketch describes a family of 65K members, where each member has, on average 1225 states. Even though this is a much larger family with much larger chains than in the sketch considered before, the pruning ability of the advanced hybrid approach allows PAYNT to handle this specification in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, one-by-one enumeration

python3 paynt/ --project cav21-benchmark/grid --properties onebyone

might take up to 20 minutes.

Testing PAYNT

As reported in the paper, PAYNT is tested with unit tests and regression tests. These tests currently cover more than 90% of the source code lines. The unit tests which cover the specific logic components to maintain their correct functionality. You can run the regression and unit tests (~5 minutes) with the following sequence of commands:

cd paynt/paynt_tests
python3 -m pytest --cov=./../paynt/ --cov-report term-missing

This command prints the coverage report, displaying the resulting coverage for individual source files. Our tests currently cover more than 90% of the source code lines, even though the result shows 82% because ~10% of the source code is only temporary functions for debugging purposes that have no functionality.


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