generate GAN pics based on StudioGAN
I have push the ckpt and other "BIG" files using git Large File Storage (FLS), you may need to pull it using lfs too.
First, install PyTorch meeting your environment (at least 1.7):
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
Then, use the following command to install the rest of the libraries:
pip install tqdm ninja h5py kornia matplotlib pandas sklearn scipy seaborn wandb PyYaml click requests pyspng imageio-ffmpeg timm
Get the free gpu cuda number
./generate [CUDA] [MODEL] [number of image to save] [version(optional)]
for example
./generate 0 BigGAN-Deep 100
will generate BigGAN-Deep models with random ckpt version running on CUDA 0, and save 100 generated pics
./generate 0 BigGAN-Deep 10 56_49
will generate BigGAN-Deep models with the first ckpt version having the name "56_49" running on CUDA 0, and save 10 pics
The generated pics will locate on ./samples/MODEL_FOLDER/fake/*/*.png
If you need anything, contact me directly which will help me making this readme more readable and friendly.