Releases External Integrations
Added Handling for PartialsStoreAggregator and MultiValueResolver in ParserOptionsBuilder
Added Handling for ListLogger in ParserOptionsBuilder
Added Nuget Package for System.Text.Json support
Added Nuget Package for System.Xml support
Added Nuget Package for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Added proper symbol packages to nuget
Added When(bool, object, object)
formatter for single line conditional data output
Improved generics type inheritance matching in Formatters
Improved Logger usage with explicit Interpolated string handling
Refactored usage of ConfigureAwait(false)
Fixed invalid calling case to a Instance formatter when the invoking object is not the correct instance
Set CI build to use ContinuousIntegrationBuild
and Deterministic
options in msbuild
Discontinued the support for the data parameter in logging. The methods are still present but marked Obsolete.
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