- Overview:
Rock, Paper Scissors is a simple game created by Joshua Lyons & Nergal Givarkes. The game was developed as a group project for SER 215 at ASU.
Below are the steps to get the game up and running. o host your own networking server for the multiplayer portion see the networking section below:
- Prerequisites:
To run the game you need java installed. To compile from source you need JDK 1.7
- Run from JAR:
- Run the .jar located in /dist/SER215-RPS.jar
- Enter a username in the lower right when the client boots up.
- You can now start a single player game or a networked game by using the buttons in the lower left.
- Compile from Source:
- Load up your IDE of choice.
- Make sure you are compiling with jdk 1.7
- Add the two libs located in /libs/ to your library references for the project.
- Compile and run the RPSClientApplication
- Hosting a Server:
- Find your public IP address
- In RPSClientApplication.java change the variables "masterServerIp" and "gameServerIp" to the IP address found above
- Make sure you open up ports 9000-9100 and point them to the computer you are hosting the servers on
- Build the program and and make sure the jar created and any additional files created and placed in the /dist/ folder
- Open command line or terminal and enter the dist folder
- To start the master server run the following "java -cp SER215-RPS.jar com.ser215.rps.RPSMasterServer"
- You will see the server start printing information
- Next run the SER215-RPS.jar file normally.
- Acknowledgements
The game and source code were built by Joshua Lyons, Nergal Givarkes, and uploaded to GitHub February 2016