A much improved console font management tool
This is a minor release with one important change:
The font.exe tool now has the ability to save and restore the console font.
This is very useful when another program unexpectedly changes the console font as a side effect.
This happens on one of my machines, where PowerShell always changes the font back to a Raster font. (I have no idea why, nor why this happens on this machine and not on the others.)
Anyway, to save and restore the cmd.exe shell font, use the following commands:
:# Save the current font settings in an environment variable
for /f "delims=" %f in ('font -s') do @set OLD_FONT=%f
:# Run the font-breaking command
powershell -c $PSVersionTable
:# Restore the initial font
font %OLD_FONT%
Another minor change in this release: The sml2.exe tool now defaults to ignoring XML parser warnings and errors. They can be re-enabled if desired.