A Rest Framework based on rails with Sync. Cards use a simple filename based convention of defining controllers with automatic route binding. Cowboy is used as the internal http/s server.
will translate tohttproot_controller:index(Method, Req, Options)
will translate tocontrollerOne_controller:index(Method, Req, Options)
will translate tocontrollerTwo_controller:actionOne(Method, Req, Options)
will translate tocontrollerThree_controller.erl:actionTwo(Method, Req, Options)
with the rest of the URL inextras
binding, where Method is a bitstring representing the METHOD header of an http request and Req is a cowboy Request Object.
A route controller is an erlang module with the naming convention of name_controller.erl. Adding APIs, functions with arity 3, to this controller module, will result in automatic secondary path binding, such as, /controller_module_name/function_name
Sample Controller Module
- resource_controller.erl
%% Binds to Path /resource
index(<<"GET">>, Req, Options) -> %% Options is the list of items returned after evaluation of access policy for the API
cowboy_req:reply(200,[],<<"GET /resource">>,Req).
%% Binds to API endpoint GET /resource/actionone
actionone(<<"GET">>,Req, Options) ->
cowboy_req:reply(200,[],<<"GET /resource/actionone">>,Req).
%% Binds to API endpoint POST /resource/login
login(<<"POST">>, Req, Options) ->
cowboy_req:reply(200,[],<<"logged in successfully">>, Req).
%% Binds to API endpoint PUT /resource/actiontwo
actiontwo(<<"PUT">>, Req, Options) ->
cowboy_req:reply(200,[],<<"PUT actiontwo">>, Req).
Req object is of type cowboy_req:req() type.
Access policies are declared in policies module. Currently has support for chained access policies for end points.
Sample policies.erl
get() ->
<<"default">> => [false], %%% OPTIONAL, by default is [true], i.e all APIs are public
<<"controllerOne">> => #{
<<"default">> => [false], %%% OPTIONAL, by default is [true], i.e all APIs actions with base path /controllerOne will be public
<<"actionOne">> => [isOwnerOf, isLoggedIn]
<<"controllerThree">> => #{
<<"getinfo">> => [isLoggedIn]
Sample Policy Implementation isOwnerOf.erl
execute(Req) ->
{Status, Value, Req2} = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"owner">>, Req),
io:format("Status : ~p, owner : ~p~n",[Status, Value]),
case Value of
<<"sandeep">> -> {ok, Req2, [{owner,Value}]};
_ -> {error, Req2, []}
execute(Req) ->
{Status, Value, Req2} = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"loggedin">>, Req),
io:format("Status : ~p, logged in : ~p~n",[Status, Value]),
case {Status,Value} of
{ok, _} -> {ok, Req2, [{permitted,on},{loggedin,Value}]};
{undefined, undefined} -> {error, Req2, []};
{undefined, _} -> {ok, Req2, [{permitted,on},{loggedin,Value}]};
{_,_} -> {error, Req2, []}
{cards, ".*", {git, "[email protected]:psandeepunni/cowboy-automatic-route-dispatcher.git", {branch, "master"}}}
DEPS = cards
dep_cards = git https://github.com/psandeepunni/cowboy-automatic-route-dispatcher.git master