A thread safe in-memory key-value cache suitable for single instance microservices. Any object can be stored with a given duration or no expiration time at all. Since the cache is thread safe, it can be safely used by multiple goroutines.
go get github.com/J4NN0/go-cache
package main
import (
cache "github.com/J4NN0/go-cache"
func main() {
// Create a cache with a default expiration time of 10 minutes, and which
// purges expired items every 1 second
c := cache.NewCache(10*time.Minute, 1*time.Second)
defer c.Stop()
// Set a new entry with key "foo" and value "someValue", with the default
// expiration time prior set (i.e. 10 minutes)
c.Set("foo", "someValue", cache.DefaultExpiration)
// Add a new entry - if an item doesn't already exist for the given key -
// with key "bar" and value "1", with no expiration time
err := c.Add("bar", 1, cache.NoExpiration)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not add 'bar': %v\n", err)
// Replace an existing entry only if it hasn't expired yet
err = c.Replace("foo", "someValue2", cache.DefaultExpiration)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not replace 'foo': %v\n", err)
// Since Go is statically typed, and cache values can be anything, type
// assertion might be needed in some case
var foo string
x, found := c.Get("foo")
if !found {
fmt.Printf("Could not find 'foo'\n")
foo = x.(string)
fmt.Printf("Got 'foo': %s\n", foo) // someValue2
// Current cache size can be checked with following method
ic := c.ItemCount()
fmt.Printf("Current cache size: %d\n", ic) // 2
// Entry can be deleted before it will expire
// (i.e. 10 minutes after being set in this case)
// Delete entire cache content