Releases: Ixam97/CarStatsViewer
Releases · Ixam97/CarStatsViewer
- Implemented the Automotive App Host for a potential public Play Store release (not contained in legacy builds).
- Implemented Firebase Crashlytics. Can be disabled in settings.
- Overhauled changelog creation method.
- Charging curve no longer cuts off above 160 kW in Trip Summary.
- The database upload now creates a separate service. You no longer need to remain on the trip history screen during the Upload. A notification will be posted to the notification center to show progress.
- The database upload now contains charging curves.
- The Webhook now populates "charged_soc" at the end of a charging session.
- Reduced database access by limiting the logging within debug settings.
- Debug logs get deleted after 28 days once a day.
- Fixed experimental color scheme not working.
- (Play Edition) Temporarily deactivated Legacy Dashboard and Trip History because of limitations imposed by Google Guidelines.
- (Play Edition) Catching crashes on changelog creation.
- (Play Edition) Fixed an issue where notification interactions would crash the app.
- Fixed crashes caused by saving trip data.
- Improved crash reporting.
- Added error handling and logging to trip changes.
- Added additional drive start conditions (for example for the Volvo EX30)
PLEASE NOTE: Currently the EX30 does not report any power values to the app. Therefore no energy statistics will be available. It is currently unclear if and when this will be fixed by Volvo.
- Expanded Webhook API capabilities. (See documentation)
- Added an option for a phone reminder when leaving the car.
- Optimizations in plot rendering and loading performance.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes wrong charging sessions would be shown in trip summary.
- Fixed an issue causing the app to not use miles as distance unit.
- Implemented a local database for more robust and performant saving of trip data.
- Charging session can now be interrupted up to 5 minutes before beginning a new session, even if the car was moved.
- Added the trip history to view past trips.
- Added quick select buttons for 20, 40 and 100 km in the trip summary.
- Added an icon representing the selected trip type. Taping on the trip stats cycles between the 4 trip types.
- Added setting to select which APIs connection status should be displayed in the main view.
- It is now possible to reset the manual trip from the main view.
- Adjusted the HTTP webhook data set to the new data structure.
- General bugfixes and stability improvements.
- Altitude change added in trip summary (experimental)
- Fixed wrong units in summary diagram
- Fixed wrong dates of charging sessions in summary
- Improved restart notification conditions
- Changed energy tracking conditions (experimental)
- Added french, finnish and portuguese translations
- Added multiple live data APIs:\n- ABRP OTA live data\n- HTTP Webhook with BasicAuth
- Added location tracking and elevation history
- Added restart notification after a reboot, update or app crash
- Added vehicle setup
- Restructured settings menu
- Fixed main view units not updating
- General bugfixes and stability improvements
- Data structure revamped to increase stability and scalability
- Added danish translation
- Added "About Car Stats Viewer" (incl. overhaul ReadMe with info about supporting and contributing)
- Added multiple trip trackers running at the same time (manual trip, since last charge, auto trip, current month)
- Various visual improvements for the plot views
- Specific values in plot views can be highlighted by double taping
- Debug-Logs can be sent via SMTP (experimental!)
- Stabilized behaviour of charging curve when the app is paused while charging
- Optimized driver distraction optimization
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements