Supports: Python >= 3.7
The program is designed to store any expenses/incomes. Written in Python with dearpygui 1.8.0 . The data is stored in sqlite3.
- Adding expense/income
- View data as a chart
- Deleting all data
- Deleting data by name
- Program close function
- Move to GitHub
Let's say you want to write down that you will pay $68 for the Internet.
To do this, open the program, click on the Add tab and enter:
In the command line there was an inscription about saving, so everything is fine
Do you want to see the data? Let's press the See button. The program will display everything in the form of a diagram
Do you want to delete ALL data? To do this, click Delete => Delete all => Yes
if you delete ALL data, the program will automatically close after 3 seconds!
Have you entered incorrect information? It's okay, just do Delete => Delete element => Enter a name and press Delete
If the service with the name 'food' was in the database, it is definitely deleted, and the following is displayed on the command line:
Do you want to leave the program? Click exit or the cross on the right
The GitHub button directs you to this repository!