A collection of scripts /etc for my 3rd Year Individual Project, building a supersonic ramjet (NOT a SCRAMJET)
Currently waiting for some more info from supervisor and access to a supercomputer
2015-10-06: Synced current progress, added project management files, reports, and presentations
2015-09-29: Added digitised pdf of original supersonic ramjet report. Added ANSYS initial throat size optimisation
2015-09-28: Added ANSYS files, including promising progress in both the nozzle and combustion chambers. See M4v2!
2015-09-21: Added OSCILOS-Long combustion analyser
2015-07-21: Added NASA code best practice pdf, synced CFD progress
2015-07-01: Upload of lit review and modified python script
2015-06-30: Initial Commit of in-progress python script