my web server in C , coding with learning
- C3U:通用版 universal version
- C3F:IPv4,6双栈版,支持IPv4和IPv6的访问 support both IPv4 and IPv6
- C3D:适用于智能桌面壁纸的特化版,配套网页见vwallpaper_web_pages just for vwallpaper, with a set of web pages in vwallpaper_web_pages
- 控制台支持4条指令(c console support 4 command):
- quit/exit 退出
- stop 暂停
- continue 继续
- reload 重载预缓存首页
- 使用请注意 read before using
- 预存index.html作为主页(在预处理器宏可修改) prestore index.html as home page
- 需要自定义的预定义宏有 the following list the predefined macros which need user-define:
- RECORD_IN_FILE 可定义为任意值,定义后消息会被记录在文件中,否则仅在控制台打印 could be defined as any value , if be defined , the message would be record in record file and print on the console, instead, it would just print on console
- RECORD_FILE_NAME 默认记录文件 record file path
- HTTP_VERSION HTTP版本(只支持1.0与1.1) only support 1.0 and 1.1
- ROOT_PATH 根目录(相对绝对都可以) root path of web pages
- RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 首次接收大小,必须大于HTTP请求头大小 the buffer size of string recv first time, should be more than HTTP header size (recommanded 8192)
- RECV_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH 超过这个大小返回 413 Request Entity Too Large return 413 if HTTP request over this size
- 预定义宏中关于HTTP标头数量(headers store size is define in predefined macros):
- HTTP标头使用链表储存(每个单元含有x单元字典),储存总量/total size = MAX_HTTP_HEADER_PAGE_NUM * MAX_UNIT_PER_PAGE_IN_CHAIN
- 二次开发注意 read before secondary development
- 没有任何特殊请求处理(在reply_client函数中开发即可特别对待指定请求) make sepcial response in function "reply_client"
- 关于cookie和url中的query的解析程序还没写,如果需要,请自行添加 there is nothing about parsing string of cookie and query in url, write it if needed
程序结构 structure
main多线程(create thread)=>HTTP_server_loop(循环等待连接 loop waiting for connection)
HTTP_server_loop被链接(be connected)=>创建线程(create thread)=>HTTP_connection_handle_thread,然后继续循环
HTTP_connection_handle_thread(HTTP_connection_handle返回1时保持连接,0则断(return 1 to keep connection, 0 to break it))
( 重点自定义函数,其他基本不用修改 to do special reply in this function )