An Ubuntu 22.04 Docker image with some utils.
- acl
- azure-cli
- bash-completion
- bc
- binutils
- curl
- dnsutils
- dstat
- git
- htop
- iperf3
- iproute2
- iptables
- iputils-ping
- jq
- kubectl
- less
- lshw
- lsof
- man
- mongosh
- mysql-client
- nano
- netcat
- netcat-openbsd
- nmap
- p7zip-full
- postgresql-client
- psmisc
- pv
- redis-tools
- rsync
- socat
- strace
- sudo
- sysstat
- tcpdump
- telnet
- temporal
- tig
- traceroute
- tree
- vim
- wget
- ubuntu user with passwordless sudo
- colors!
- bash completion for root
- en_US.UTF-8 locale