A Game Library & Game DB for Ironhack Module 3 Project
This is a MERN project for Ironhack's third module developed to practice the skills adquired at the bootcamp between October'19 and April'20.
Aimala is a Game DB and User Personal Games Library to keep control of the owned games and platforms (like videogame consoles or Digital platforms). You can read and search any game and create new ones if it doesn't exist. Also you can save your Steam ID to see your games from Steam, this feature uses the Steam Web API.
See all screenshots here:
Homepage (Logged of)
Homepage (Logged in)
One game
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- Joan Carballo - Software Developer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/carballo/
- David García - Software Developer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidgarciabr/
- Diego Méndez - Ironhack TA & Assistant Developer of Aimala