These cases are a little contrived as you could use a UIStackView to accomplish these. But it is simple so we can talk about wiring up constraints.
Story: "I want the middle view to be equal size with the others but no wider than 200 points, and the side views should be pinned to each side."
- Layout with IB first
- Then try adding constraints using code.
Story: "For Donation By Text button, if there is no more space, have the text expand into multiple lines if needed." Then have the cancel button shrink up until the text.
- Layout with IB using hugging/compression
As of iOS9, UITableViewCells can size themselves based on constraints.
Story: "Show all the mainText in the cells, expanding them and contracting when necessary, but always show the image at 100 x 100."
- Layout with IB
- Use margins when needed (be sure to check iPhone X landscape views).
- Use inequalities when needed.
- Try aligning edges.
Story: "Show all the Squares in the view, with the following sizes and margins"
Top Left:
- Height & width: 100
- left margin: 8
Top Right:
- Height & width: 40
- top margin: 10
Bottom Left:
- Height & width: 70
- bottom margin: 30
Bottom Right:
- Height & width: 23
- right margin: 10
Layout with programmatic layout anchors
Use margins when needed (be sure to check iPhone X portrait views).
You can use these code samples as a guide or reference if needed: