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Atlas traceroutes

Romain edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 4 revisions


Atlas traceroutes fetched with the Atlas REST API (see the atlas/producers/ file) Traceroutes are retrieved in 5 min time bins. Contains about 1k long lasting measurements, mainly builtin and anchoring measurements.


All entries are msgpack objects compressed with snappy


ConsumerRecord(topic='ihr_atlas_traceroutev4', partition=0, offset=9653750, timestamp=1566878947000, timestamp_type=0, key=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x18Q', value={
'af': 4, 
'dst_addr': '', 
'dst_name': '', 
'endtime': 1566878962, 
'from': '', 
'fw': 4970, 
'group_id': 9181265, 
'lts': 66, 
'msm_id': 9181265, 
'msm_name': 'Traceroute', 
'paris_id': 13, 
'prb_id': 30097, 
'proto': 'ICMP', 
'result': [{'hop': 1, 'result': [{'from': '', 'rtt': 0.519, 'size': 76, 'ttl': 64}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 0.458, 'size': 76, 'ttl': 64}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 0.451, 'size': 76, 'ttl': 64}]}, {'hop': 2, 'result': [{'from': '', 'rtt': 0.799, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 254}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 0.595, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 254}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 8.724, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 254}]}, {'hop': 3, 'result': [{'from': '', 'rtt': 20.39, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 253}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 24.981, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 253}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 19.705, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 253}]}, {'hop': 4, 'result': [{'from': '', 'rtt': 39.873, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 252}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 39.71, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 252}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 39.817, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 252}]}, {'hop': 5, 'result': [{'x': '*'}, {'x': '*'}, {'x': '*'}]}, {'hop': 6, 'result': [{'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 55.922, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 57.488, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 57.821, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}]}, {'hop': 7, 'result': [{'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 51.287, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 53.758, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 53.809, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 250}]}, {'hop': 8, 'result': [{'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 228.433, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 249}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 227.786, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 249}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 229.428, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 249}]}, {'hop': 9, 'result': [{'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 222.061, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 248}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 222.168, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 248}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 222.17, 'size': 68, 'ttl': 248}]}, {'hop': 10, 'result': [{'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 224.461, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 247}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 224.36, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 247}, {'from': '', 'itos': 64, 'rtt': 224.397, 'size': 28, 'ttl': 247}]}, {'hop': 11, 'result': [{'from': '', 'rtt': 224.214, 'size': 48, 'tos': 64, 'ttl': 55}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 224.027, 'size': 48, 'tos': 64, 'ttl': 55}, {'from': '', 'rtt': 224.023, 'size': 48, 'tos': 64, 'ttl': 55}]}], 
'size': 48, 
'src_addr': '', 
'stored_timestamp': 1566879072, 
'timestamp': 1566878947, 
'type': 'traceroute'
headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=8, serialized_value_size=1868, serialized_header_size=-1)

List of topics

  • ihr_atlas_traceroutev4
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