Releases: InterNations/kodierungsregelwerksammlung
Releases · InterNations/kodierungsregelwerksammlung
New empty statement rule
Integration test conventions + Bug fixes
0.30.3 Bug fixes + new rules for integration tests and PromiseInterface retu…
Bug fix version
0.30.2 Fixing bug
Upgrading squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer to minimum 3.3.0
0.30.1 Adding Squizlabs greater version
Adding compatibility with squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer 3.3.0
0.30.0 Adding compatibility with squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer 3.3.0
PHP-CS-FIXER Compatibility
0.29.5 Adding: PHP-CS-Fixer compatibility
Minor bug fix version
0.29.4 PHPCS + PHPUNIT fixes
Invert long type hints form to short type hints form
0.29.3 INDEV-9312 Invert current code sniffer rule to prefer short form over…
PHPCS v3.2.2 upgrade
0.29.2 Allow Multiple try-catch classes
PHPCS v3.2.1 upgrade
Merge pull request #44 from Gamesh/master updated phpcs to ^v3.2.1 fixes issue…