Release notes for idmtools 2.0.2
The release of idmtools 2.0.2 represents a feature release, focusing on MPI support in Platforms and some bug fixes.
Key features and changes in this release include:
MPI support in several idmtools platforms:
ProcessPlatform -
Fixed assets copy issue with relative symlinks.
Fixed major performance in Container and Slurm platforms.
Fixed idmtools cache issue.
Removed direct srun call in sbatch.
Changed the default 'max_running_jobs' in SlurmPlatform from 1 to 100
Bug fixes
Change log:
- #2391 - Random fail with large number of simulations with NoneType of platform
- #2393 - Calibra may fail with ContainerPlatform
- #2395 - Slurm: Do not need to delete suite if job_directory is not exist or suite not exist anymore
- #2399 - docker container can become unusable in linux
- #2386 - jupyter lab version fix
Feature Request
- #2377 - Need to change github actions to only build container docker image when there are related changes
- #2172 - Adjust the default 'max_running_jobs' in SlurmPlatform
- #2379 - Container Platform needs to support multiple processes
- #2396 - Assets duplication
- #2388 - Performance issue with get_item in slurm platform when there are lot of items in job directory
- #2389 - Performance issue with get_item in container platform when there are lot of items in job directory
- #2247 - Investigation: run each simulation on SLURM with multi cores
- #2400 - Add script for generating changelog by project id and release version
User Experience
- #2387 - Investigation multiple warnings for binding in NU cluster for singularity
- #2145 - slurm platform -- unable to run from compute nodes as expected
All commits from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2: #2411