Welcome to our platform for artists to showcase their incredible talents and land professional jobs in the entertainment industry.
Whether you're looking for actors, musicians, magicians, or painters, our platform is the perfect place for you to discover and hire the most deserving talents.
We provide a seamless experience for artists to showcase their skills and maintain their portfolios, complete with videos and visual data, to make it easier for potential clients to find and hire them.
working Demo and photos link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l9c5AV6wDSw47BKmhEGJr68SqxYJ5wXs?usp=sharing
- Flutter (for Android)
- Swift (for iOS)
- ExpressJs (for backend)
- MongoDb (for Database)
- FireBase (for storing video data)
- Machine Learning (for recommending videos)