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3.6.1 - More Settings, Resuming Downloads & Fixes

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@Inrixia Inrixia released this 12 Jan 14:29
· 783 commits to master since this release

The 3.6.1 Release is out!

This release has a lot more settings for people to tweak and play with, you can read all about them at the wiki page for Settings

This release also implements partial downloads and resuming downloads, so you can close the script or lose internet connection part way through a download or multiple and then resume on the next run.

Aside from that there are a bunch of fixes and tweaks to the code along with another full comment of everything new!



  • Added maxParallelDownloads allowing you to limit the number of simultaneous downloads
  • Added downloadArtwork allowing you to disable downloading video pictures
  • Folders are now created if they dont exist
  • Added subChannelIgnore to ignore specific subchannels eg Techquickie
  • A bunch of fixes and tweaks to code
  • Fully commented new code


  • Added resuming partial downloads
  • Renamed scrape.js to float.js


  • Fix for maxVideos<30 downloading inverse.
  • Added ignoreFolderStructure allowing you to download all videos into one folder
  • Added downloadUpdateTime allowing you to change the frequency the download bars update
  • Added formatWithEpisodes allowing you to disable episode numbering in file name

Install Guide

If your updating then just download the extract it to your install folder and run it. It will automagically update all the needed files and move your settings over.
I suggest double checking that everything is correctly updated in the settings.json though it should move your old settings over.

For people who are doing a fresh install just follow the below guides:

As always if you run into any issues you are free to Create a issue here, Contact me on Discord @sir Inrix | <3#6950 or Leave a comment on the LTT form post.