is a client for Peatio API, support all Peatio API functions like submit order, get tickers, etc. It's also a reference client implementation, where you can find how to authenticate private Peatio API.
- ruby 2.0.0 or higher (if you want to run 'rake test' in this gem you'll need ruby 2.1.0 or higher)
- openssl
gem install peatio_client
Use #get
or #post
to access API after you created a PeatioAPI::Client
require 'peatio_client'
# Client can be initialized not providing key and sercet, but this client can only access public APIs
client_public = endpoint: ''
# GET public api /api/v2/markets
client_public.get_public '/api/v2/markets'
# To build a full functional client which can access both public/private api, access_key/secret_key
# are required.
# `endpoint` can be ignored or set to any Peatio powered exchange.
# If there's no data received in `timeout` seconds, Net::OpenTimeout will be raised. Default to 60.
client = access_key: 'your_access_key', secret_key: 'your_secret_key', endpoint: '', timeout: 60
# GET private api /api/v2/orders with 'market=btccny'
client.get '/api/v2/orders', market: 'btccny'
# POST to create an order '/api/v2/orders', market: 'btccny', side: 'sell', volume: '0.11', price: '2955.0'
# POST to create multiple orders at once '/api/v2/orders/multi', market: 'btccny', orders: [{side: 'buy', volume: '0.15', price: '2955.0'}, {side: 'sell', volume: '0.16', price: '2956'}]
Check Peatio API v2 Documents for details on Peatio API.
Streaming API client is built upon eventmachine, it will start an endless loop to accept updates from server side, you only need to provide a callback block:
require 'peatio_client'
client = access_key: 'your_access_key', secret_key: 'your_secret_key', endpoint: 'wss://' do |message|
# do whatever you want with message
is released under MIT license. See for more information.
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