The system: a two-stage rocket, using the motors described at the bottom, for only vertical flight. The governing set of ordinary differential equations, taking into account a v^2 drag and gravity, are solved numerically using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp (initial value problem), using the RK45 method. Just run odesolver.py and the graphs will be generated including the velocity, height, mass and acceleration against time. A parachute opening on descent is not included in the simulation.
Calculations.one_stage calculates the motor delay (coast time), max velocity and peak altitude of a one stage rocket. This uses equations from: http://www.rocketmime.com/rockets/qref.html These equations make an estimate for the average mass during the burn. For a thorough analysis a dynamic (changing) mass must be considered, this requires Numerical methods since it cannot be solved analytically.
Calculations.two_stage calculates the motor delay (coast time), max velocity and peak altitude of a two stage rocket. This uses equations from: http://www.rocketmime.com/rockets/multistg.html These equations make an estimate for the average mass during the burn. For a thorough analysis a dynamic (changing) mass must be considered, this requires Numerical methods since it cannot be solved analytically.
Fill in the Area and empty mass parameters of the stages. Also fill in the engine data if using different engines.
Engine data currently in file:
1st stage motor: CESARONI - P38-4G WHITE THUNDER (I470). Link: https://www.apogeerockets.com/Rocket_Motors/Cesaroni_Propellant_Kits/Cesaroni_Certification_Special/38mm_Certification_Propellants/Cesaroni_P38-4G_White_Thunder_I470#faqs
2nd stage motor: CESARONI - P38-5G BLUE STREAK (J357). Link: https://www.apogeerockets.com/Rocket_Motors/Cesaroni_Propellant_Kits/38mm_Motors/5-Grain_Motors/Cesaroni_P38-5G_Blue_Streak_J357
Once all data filled in, just run: data_run.py.