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dm03514 edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 2 revisions


In order to get the full value from ValueStream metrics need to be connected in some way. "Trace Propagation" is ValueStreams term for connencting these. The supported relationships are visualized as:

The following table shows the currently supported actions, which service they originate from, and how they are identified within traces. The chart below shows each action and how it's referenced by child actions. The first is a github issue. It can be referenced by a Pull Request or a build using the TRACE_ID of the form vstrace-github-{{ REPO_NAME }}-{{ ISSUE_NUMBER }}.

Integration Name Type Referenced By TRACE_ID Internal Prefix
Github Issue ISSUE_NUMBER vstrace-github-{{ REPO_NAME }}-{{ ISSUE_NUMBER }} Traces.ISSUE-vstrace-github-{{ REPO_NAME }}-{{ ISSUE_NUMBER }}
Github Pull Request BRANCH git checkout -b {{ BRANCH }} Spans.{{ PULL_REQUEST_ID }}
Jenkins Pull Request N/A N/A Spans.{{ PULL_REQUEST_ID }}

The next chart shows how children nodes are able to reference their parent nodes. The children node relationships are (PullRequest -> Issue), (Build -> PullRequest), and (Deploy -> Issue). Listed below shows each pair is able to reference the other in order to form full traces:

Referencing Nodes

PullRequest -> Issue

This can be used to track all code associated with a given ticket/issue.


The pull request branch needs to include the Issue TRACE_ID somewhere:

$ git checkout -b feature/vstrace-github-{{ REPO_NAME }}-{{ ISSUE_NUMBER }}/my-issue

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 4 50 36 PM

To reference the issue above from a pull request the branch name must include:


Build -> PullRequest

This relationship helps to capture all CI builds associated with a given pull request. The

Deploy -> Issue

This tracks deploys related to a specific issue.

This relationship is established through jenkins build parameters. The `TRACE_ID`of the issue needs to be present in the jenkins build params: Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7 09 39 PM
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