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Low level C++ neural network engine. The engine provides a huge flexibility in creating neural networks. It also gives an ability for performance optimisations.


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NerOne NerOne

Low level C++ neural network engine. The engine provides a huge flexibility in creating neural networks.

Even more flexibility were provided in v2 comparing to previous version!

Table of Contest


Library was tested using GNU G++ compiler with flag -std=c++17. So it is recommended to use C++ 17 or higher version of compiler. Compiling by other compilers may require code corrections.

make default command builds the tests and creates test.exe file in the root directory.



  • Value - is a structure that is used as inputs and outputs of cells. It contains input/output related data, e.g. floating point cell output.
  • Cell - is a structure that has some (maybe zero) input and output values, and provides a way for manipulating these values.
  • Cluster - is a structure containing multiple cells, and ruling these cells.
  • Producer - is a structure that provides algorithms for managing and ruling clusters.

Current engine provides nerone namespace where all the classes, types and functions are defined.

Types and aliases

  • nerone::shared_value_t - alias for std::shared_ptr<nerone::value::Value>
  • nerone::shared_cell_t - alias for std::shared_ptr<nerone::cell::Cell>
  • nerone::value_list_t - alias for std::vector<nerone::shared_value_t>
  • nerone::cell_list_t - alias for std::vector<nerone::shared_cell_t>
  • nerone::act_fn_t - alias for template<typename FT> std::function<FT(FT)>
  • nerone::loss_fn_t - alias for template<typename FT> std::function<FT(FT,FT)>
  • nerone::shared_train_data_t - alias for std::shared_ptr<nerone::TrainData>
  • nerone::shared_cell_command_t - alias for std::shared_ptr<CellCommand>

class nerone::value::Value

Basic abstract value class with default constructor and default virtual destructor.

It doesn't provide any other functions or properties.

class nerone::value::FValue<T>

Abstract value class that extends nerone::value::Value with default constructor and destructor and provides 2 pure virtual methods and public type f_type = T.

Main purpose of this abstraction is to define a value floating point type, and provide get/set value interface.

virtual T get() = 0

Pure virtual method for getting the floating point value.

virtual void set(T value) = 0

Pure virtual method for setting the floating point value.

class nerone::value::GValue<T>

Abstract value class that extends nerone::value::FValue<T> with default constructor/destructor. It provides additional 2 pure virtual methods.

Main purpose of this abstraction is to provide get_grad/set_grad interface for manipulation value's gradient floaing point values.

virtual T get_grad() = 0

Pure virtual method for getting the floating point gradient value.

virtual void set_grad(T value) = 0

Pure virtual method for setting the floating point gradient value.

class nerone::value::Cumulative<T>

Cumulative value class. It extends nerone::value::GValue It defines public f_type = T type.

This value class uses a stack for storing it's values.

It implements all pure virtual methods, and adds a couple of more methods for manipulating the memorty of the value.

T get()

Returns the last value from the stack.

void set(T value)

Sets the new value to be on top of the value stack.


Returns the grad value.

set_grad(T value)

Sets the grad value, and pops the most recently set primary value from the stack.

virtual void pop()

Removes the top value from the stack.

virtual void clean()

Cleans up the stack.

virtual bool empty()

Returns true if the value stack is empty.


auto val = std::make_shared<nerone::value::Cumulative<float>>();
val->get(); // 0.1
val->get(); // 0.2
val->get(); // 0.1, as set_grad method removes the top value.
val->get(); // 0.1, the stack is empty, but the value is still remembered unless its overwritten by new `set()` call.

Note: for examples on how it all works together, please reach to the Cumulative value tests.


Basic abstract cell class with default constructor and default virtual destructor.

It also defines 4 pure virtual methods:

virtual const value_list_t& get_inputs() = 0

Returns the list of input value.

virtual const value_list_t& get_outputs() = 0

Returns the list of output values.

virtual void set_inputs(value_list_t vals) = 0

Assigns input values.

virtual void set_outputs(value_list_t vals) = 0

Assigns output values.


Abstract template class that extents nerone::cell::Cell with default constructor, and defines a single public value_type = VT.

The main purpose of this class is to define the value type that is used with the cell.

Note: each class that extends nerone::cell::VCell class should define public value_type.


Abstract Operationl class that extends nerone::cell::VCell<VT> and additionally defines next pure abstract methods:

Note: this cell accepts VT type that extends nerone::value::Cumulative.

virtual void calc_value() = 0

The method should calculate and set the cells output primary values.

virtual void calc_grad() = 0

The method should calculate and set the cells input gradient values.

virtual void clean() = 0

Cleans up values.

virtual void command(shared_cell_command_t command)

Allows sending additional operational signals to cells. Can be overwritten and special meaning set for specific command.

By default the function doesn't do anything whatever command is sent.

virtual void start()

Prepares the values or any other data for calc methods to be called. It doesn't do anything fir this specific class, but can be overwritten and the start meaning defined.

void finish()

Cleaups the values or any other data. Basically it should return the cell into it's original state.


Abstract trainable class that provides trainable interface. It extends nerone::cell::OCell<VT>

It also defines public weight_list_t = std::vector<VT::f_type> type, and next trainable pure virtual methods:

virtual const weight_list_t& get_weights() = 0

Returns the list of weight floating values.

virtual void set_weights(weight_list_t weights) = 0

Assigns new weights to the current trainable cell.

virtual void update(shared_train_data_t data) = 0

Should update the weights with new floating values. It might take data sent as an argument into consideration. It may contain learning rate for example, etc.

nerone::cell::Functional<VT, FN>

The abstract cell extends operational class (nerone::cell::OCell<VT>). It accepts 2 template parameters - VT is for value type, and FN is for activation/gradient function type. It has 1 input and 1 output, and provides a banch of constructors to fill in all of the internal states.


Default constructor that assigns empty input and output values to the cell values, and assigns nerone::activation::Linear activation and gradients functions to the cell activation and gradient functions respectifully.

Functional(shared_value_t input, shared_value_t output)

Assigns input value and output value to the cells input and output values respectifully, assigns linear activation and gradients functions.

Functional(FN act, FN grad)

Assigns passed functions act and grad to the cells activation and gradient functions, and creates and assigns empty input and output values.

Functional(shared_value_t input, shared_value_t output, FN act, FN grad)

Assigns input and output to cells input and output, assigns act and grad to cells activation and gradient functions.

Functional(shared_value_t input, FN act, FN grad)

Like previous one, but only input value is assigned to cells input value, and output value is created assigned as empty value.

FN get_act_fn()

Returns activation function.

FN get_grad_fn()

Returns gradient function.

void set_act_fn(FN)

Assigns new activation function.

void set_grad_fn(FN)

Assigns new gradient function.

const value_list_t& get_inputs()

Returns the list of inputs with exactly one input value in it.

const value_list_t& get_outputs()

Returns the list of outputs with exactly one output value in it.

void set_inputs(value_list_t vals)

Sets up new input values. The list should contain only one value.

void set_outputs(value_list_t vals)

Sets up new outputs values. The list shlould contain only one value.

void set_input(shared_value_t value)

Sets up input value.

void set_output(shared_value_t value)

Sets up output value.

void clean()

Cleanups input and output values.


The class extends nerone::cell::Functional<VT, nerone::act_fn_t<VT::f_type>>. It accepts one template parameter VT - value type.

It inherits all parent class constructors, and implements the last 2 pure virtual methods:

void calc_value()

Applies activation function to the input value, and set the result to the output value.

void calc_grad()

Applies gradient function to the output gradient value, and set the result to the input gradient value.


The class extends nerone::cell::Functional<VT, nerone::loss_fn_t<VT::f_type>>. It accepts one template parameter VT - value type.

It inherits all parent class constructors, implements the last 2 pure virtual methods, and adds couple of more methods:

void calc_value(typename value_type::f_type expected)

Sets the expected input value to the passed expected floating value, and runs void calc_value().

void calc_value()

Gets calculated value from its input value, and expected value from its expected input value, and uses them as inputs to its loss activation function. The result then assigned to the cells output value. This is basically the error value.

void calc_grad()

Gets calculated value from its input value, and expected value from its expected input value, and uses them as inputs to its loss grad function. The result then assigned to the cells input grad value.

void clean()

Cleans up input, output and expected values.

void set_expected_value(shared_value_t val)

Assigns expected input to the cell.

shared_value_t get_expected_value()

Returns currently assigned expected input.


The cell extends nerone::cell::TCell<VT> and implements all of the parents classes abstract methods.

It accepts one template parameter VT - value type.

The main purpose of this cell is to create, keep and manage dense connection (weights) between input and input values.

It also defines 3 public types:

  • value_type = VT
  • weight_list_t = TCell<VT>::weight_list_t
  • f_type = VT::f_type

There is default constructor exists.

Segment(value_list_t inputs, value_list_t outputs)

Assigns passed inuts and outputs to cells inputs an outputs respectifully, and creates the matrix of weights.

const value_list_t& get_inputs()

Returns the list of input values.

const value_list_t& get_outputs()

Returns the list of outputs values.

void set_inputs(value_list_t vals)

Assigns new list of input values, and retuilds the weights matrix in case of the new input size is different from the old input size.

void set_outputs(value_list_t vals)

Same as above, but for output values.

void calc_value()

Calculates and sets output values floating values by the next formula:

Output[i] = SUM{j = [0, INPUT_SIZE]}(Input[j] * weights[i][j])

void calc_grad()

Calculates and sets input values floating gradient values.

void clean()

Cleanups inputs and outputs values and internal weights gradients.

Note: weights are not cleaned by calling this method.

const weight_list_t& get_weights()

Returns the list of weights.

void set_weights(weight_list_t weights)

Assigns new list of weights to the cell.

Note: the amount of weihts should be qual to inputs.size() * outputs.size()

void update(shared_train_data_t data)

Accepts GDTrainData smart pointer as an input, and uses it's learning_rate attribute to update the weights.

Note, each call to calc_grad cumulates the gradient for each weight, and when update function is called, its uses these cumulated values.

*That's how the batch size is simulated.


Abstract class that extends nerone::cell::TCell<VT>. It accepts one template parameter VT - value type.

The main purpose of this cell is to keep and manage other cells. It doesn't really keep weights or it's own inputs, ouput or other values, so it inplements some of the virtual methods.

It also has a default constructor

Note: all cells that cluster keeps must have Operational as one of their parents.

Cluster(cell_list_t cells)

Constructor that accepts the list of cells.

void update(shared_train_data_t data)

Basically just runs update method to all of its Trainable cells.

void calc_value()

Calls calc_value method for all of itscells.

void calc_grad()

Calls calc_grad method for all of its cells.

void clean()

Calls clean method for all of its cells.

void start()

Calls start method for all of its cell.

void finish()

Calls finish method for all of its cells.

void command(shared_cell_command_t com)

Calls command method for all of its cells passing the same argument.

const weight_list_t& get_weights()

returns the empty list.

void set_weights(weight_list_t weights)

Doesn't really do anything.

virtual const cell_list_t& get_cells()

Returns the list of this cluster cells.

virtual void set_cells(cell_list_t cells)

Assigns new list of cells to the cluster.


Cluster cell that extends nerone::cell::Cluster<VT> and keeps cells that needs to be executed in paralel, making its inputs to be all the inputs of all its cells, and its outputs to be all the outputs from all of its cells.

It accepts one template type VT - value type.

Has default constructor.

Layer(cell_list_t cells)

Constructor that accepts and assigns cells that cluster will keep.

const value_list_t& get_inputs()

returns the list of inputs of all its cells.

const value_list_t& get_outputs()

returns the list of outputs of all its cells.

void set_inputs(value_list_t vals)

Assigns new input values to all of its cells.

void set_outputs(value_list_t vals)

Assigns new output values to all of its cells.


Cluster cell that extends nerone::cell::Cluster<VT>. It has one template type VT - value type.

The porpose of this cell is to collect other operational cells, and apply methods to them in a sequentional manner.

Default constructable.

Sequence(cell_list_t cells)

Constructor that accepts and assigns cells that cluster will keep.

const value_list_t& get_inputs()

Returns its first cells inputs.

const value_list_t& get_outputs()

Returns its last cells outputs.

void set_inputs(value_list_t vals)

Assigns value lists to its first cell inputs.

void set_outputs(value_list_t vals)

Assigns value list to its last cell outputs.

void connect_cells()

Automatically connects all its cells inputs to outputs. Basically it assigns each cell outputs to next cell inputs.


The sequense cell that extends nerone::cell::Layer<VT>, nerone::cell::LossClusterInterface.

The porpose of this cell is to collect other operational cells, and apply them in a sequentional manner.

LossLayer(cell_list_t cells)

Constructor that accepts the list of cells.

const value_list_t& get_expected_inputs()

returns the list of expected inputs from all of the cells.

void set_expected_inputs(value_list_t vals)

Accepts the list of values and assigns them to expected values on each cell.


Class that conducts all of the procesess related to training the neural network, and executing queries.

Each producer contain one body and one loss cells to operate with.

It defines 2 public types:

  • body_cell_t = std::shared_ptr<cell::Cluster<VT>>
  • loss_cell_t = std::shared_ptr<cell::LossLayer<VT>>

It has default constructor and default virtual destructor.

Producer(body_cell_t body, loss_cell_t loss)

Constructor that accepts body cell and loss cells.

virtual void set_body_cell(body_cell_t body)

Assigns body cell.

virtual void set_loss_cell(loss_cell_t loss)

Assigns loss cell.

virtual body_cell_t get_body_cell()

Returns its body cell.

virtual loss_cell_t get_loss_cell()

Returns its loss cell.


Activation functions

There is a namespace nerone::activation with a bunch of activation functions already defined. Each of them consist of a class with 2 public static members fun and grad - activation function itself and a derivative of the activation function.

Each member is a template function with one template paraneter T that requires floating point type to be passed. It accepts one argument with type T, and returns T.

fun function returns the result of applying activation function to the passed value. grad function returns the result of applying gradient function to the passed value.

All activation functions described below live under the nerone::activation namespace.

class nerone::activation::Sigmoid

The sigmoid function is a logistic function, which means that, whatever you input, you get an output ranging between 0 and 1.

class nerone::activation::ReLU<R>

Parametric Reflicter activation function. For values less than 0, the result equals to value param. For values greater than 0, the result doesn't change. R should implement std::ratio class.


// Define class with parameter = 1/10 = 0.1
using ReLU01 = nerone::activations::ReLU<std::ratio<1,10>>

ReLU01::fun<float>(-10.0) // 1
ReLU01::fun<float>(15.0) // 15

class nerone::activation::TanH

The output of the tanh activation function is Zero centered; hence we can easily map the output values as strongly negative, neutral, or strongly positive. Usually used in hidden layers of a neural network.

class nerone::activation::ELU

Parametric Exponential Linear Unit activation function. For values less than 0, the result goes to -1 softly. Parameter decides the curve line for negative values. For values greater than 0, the result doesn't change. R should implement std::ratio class.

class nerone::activation::GELU

Gaussian Error Linear Unit activation function. For values much less than 0, the result equals 0, but for values slightly less than 0, the result slightly less than 0. For values greater than 0 the result doesn't change.

class nerone::activation::SELU

Scaled Exponential Linear Unit. This activation functions is one of the newer one's.

class nerone::activation::Swish

Swish is a smooth, non-monotonic function that consistently matches or outperforms ReLU on deep networks applied to a variety of challenging domains such as Image classification and Machine translation.

Loss functions

There is a nerone::loss namespace with 2 loss functions already defined. Each of them consist of a class with 2 public static members fun and grad - activation function itself and a derivative of the activation function.

Each member is a template function with one template paraneter T that requires floating point type to be passed. It accepts two argument with type T (actual value, and expected value), and returns T.

fun function returns the result of applying loss function to the passed values. grad function returns the result of applying gradient loss function to the passed values.

All loss functions described below live under the nerone::loss namespace.

class nerone::loss::MeanSquareError

Mean squared error (MSE) is the most commonly used loss function for regression. The loss is the mean overseen data of the squared differences between true and predicted values.

class nerone::loss::CrossEntropy

Cross-entropy loss, or log loss, measures the performance of a classification model whose output is a probability value between 0 and 1. Cross-entropy loss increases as the predicted probability diverges from the actual label.

Usage example

There is a ner_one.h file that includes all other nerone header files.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>

#include "ner_one.h"
#include "src/build_helpers.cpp"

using ExecutionCase = nerone::GDProducer<nerone::value::Cumulative<float>>::ExecutionCase;
using ExecutionResult = nerone::GDProducer<nerone::value::Cumulative<float>>::ExecutionResult;

const double PI = 3.1415;

float rand_double() {
	return (rand()%10000)/(float)10000;

// Structure defining point on a plane, and bool parameter defining
// if the point belongs to red team or to blue team (true and false)
struct Point {
	double x;
	double y;
	bool red;

// Creates set of points devided for 2 sections, and puts red points
// to the top-right area of the plane, and blue points to the
// bottom-right are of the plane.
std::vector<Point> create_labeled_inputs_zones_2() {
	std::vector<Point> res;
	// top-right zone
	for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
		double len = rand_double() * 15;
		double a = rand_double() * PI * 2;
		res.push_back({len * std::sin(a) + 65, len * std::cos(a) + 35, true});
	// bottom-left zone
	for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
		double len = rand_double() * 15;
		double a = rand_double() * PI * 2;
		res.push_back({len * std::sin(a) + 35, len * std::cos(a) + 65, false});
	return res;

// Normalize the data
float norm(float a) {
	return a / 100 * 2 - 1;

void print_tests_result(std::vector<ExecutionCase> tests, std::vector<ExecutionResult> res) {
	for(int i=0;i<(int)tests.size();i++) {
		std::cout << tests[i].values[0] << " " << tests[i].values[1] << " " << res[i].values[0] << " " << res[i].values[1] << std::endl;

int main() {

	// Creates a producer.
	auto *gd = new nerone::GDProducer<nerone::value::Cumulative<float>>();
	std::vector<int> layers{2, 6, 6, 2};
	// Prepares the weights matrix initial values.
	std::vector<std::vector<float>> weights;
	for(int i=1;i<(int)layers.size();i++) {
		int cnt = (layers[i-1]+1) * layers[i];
		std::vector<float> layer;
		for(int j=0;j<cnt;j++) {
	// Builds the cluster.
	ConnectedLayerBuilder b(true);
	b.add(layers[0], nerone::activation::Linear::fun<float>, nerone::activation::Linear::grad<float>);
	for(int i=1;i<(int)layers.size();i++) {
		b.add(layers[i], nerone::activation::Sigmoid::fun<float>, nerone::activation::Sigmoid::grad<float>);
	b.withLoss(nerone::loss::CrossEntropy::fun<float>, nerone::loss::CrossEntropy::grad<float>);
	auto [body, loss] =;

	// Assigns the cells.
	// Configure the producer.
	auto points = create_labeled_inputs_zones_2();
	std::vector<ExecutionCase> cases;
	for(auto &p : points) {
		cases.push_back({{norm(p.x), norm(p.y)}, { ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ? 0.0f : 1.0f}});

	// Trains on labeld data.
	for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
	std::vector<ExecutionCase> tests;
	for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
		for(int j=0;j<100;j++) {
				{norm(j), norm(i)},
	// Executes test data.
	auto res = gd->execute(tests);
	// print_tests_result(tests, res);
	return 0;


Regular unit tests are placed under the tests folder.

Using the example I build above, with logging of additional useful data such as error function, and tests results I've been able to train neural network for different classification problems:

2 Zones problem (from the example in previous section)

  • training step: 20 | error: 0.470739

    20 steps

  • training step: 40 | error: 0.0616046

    40 steps

  • training step: 80 | error: 0.0130729

    80 steps

  • training step: 100 | error: 0.00906824

    100 steps

4 Zones problem

  • training step: 30 | error: 0.626602

    30 steps

  • training step: 120 | error: 0.114609

    120 steps

  • training step: 240 | error: 0.029581

    240 steps

  • training step: 300 | error: 0.0197742

    300 steps

Circle problem

  • training step: 80 | error: 0.678708

    80 steps

  • training step: 160 | error: 0.617172

    160 steps

  • training step: 280 | error: 0.371635

    280 steps

  • training step: 400 | error: 0.0287993

    400 steps

Spiral problem

  • training step: 1000 | error: 0.662982

    1000 steps

  • training step: 4000 | error: 0.479241

    4000 steps

  • training step: 7000 | error: 0.133034

    7000 steps

  • training step: 10000 | error: 0.0362706

    10000 steps

As we can see, the neural network is able to be trained to solve these classification problems.

Additional information

This project is a low level neural network engine. It is not a complete neural network framework you can use for real world tasks. To be so, additional wrapper required to be built on top of this engine providing methods to easier build of neural network, and even more important, reliable GPU optimized cells needs to be implemented to improve neural network training performance.



Have fun :)


Low level C++ neural network engine. The engine provides a huge flexibility in creating neural networks. It also gives an ability for performance optimisations.






