Version 4.0.0
- Support Azure Key Vault
- Support destination URL with "?" like a Google Suite SSO URL
- Issuer, EntityID and AllowedAudienceUris is changed to string values
Full support in .NET Core. AllowedAudienceUris as string values is not supported in .NET Framework - AuthnRequest support Subject and NameID
- AssertionConsumerService index error resolved
- Read IdP metadata support optional "use" attribute on KeyDescriptor
- Resolve certificate store find issue
- CertificateUtil Load method from file support X509KeyStorageFlags
This release will brake the code!
The relying party and identity provider code in relation to Issuer, EntityID and AllowedAudienceUris has to be changed from using URI to string values. Please see the test/sample applications.
NuGet package released: