The aim of the project is to make a proof of concept for sentiment analyse(emotion AI) used for a chat with RabbitMQ as message broker. We want to recognize/show the emotions of chat participants.
Python 3.6.8 + requirements.txt RabbitMQ 3.8.3 Erlang 22.3.2 PostgreSQL 10.9 Celery 4.4.2
In order to quickly run needed services we use docker and docker-compose. Execute from main directory, it will run postgresql and rabbitmq containers.
After running docker-compose You should be able to run Celery and test script.
cd scripts
celery -A test worker --loglevel=info
cd scripts
After that in Celery logs You will see a message that task was executed. PostgreSQL was used as celery backend, You should see celery tables and existing records.