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marcpouzet committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 0746fce commit ad6bb0c
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,232 additions and 24 deletions.
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/rewrite/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
(* *)
(* *)
(* Zelus, a synchronous language for hybrid systems *)
(* *)
(* (c) 2024 Inria Paris (see the AUTHORS file) *)
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
(* the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement (see the *)
(* LICENSE file). *)
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************)

(* A-normal form: distribution of tuples *)
(* for any variable [x: t1 *...* t2n, introduce fresh names *)
(* [x1:t1,...,xn:tn] so that [x = (x1,...,xn)] *)
(* distribute pattern matchings [(p1,...,pn) = (e1,...,en)] into *)
(* p1 = e1 and ... pn = en] *)
open Ident
open Zelus
open Deftypes

(* the type of the accumulator *)
type acc =
{ renaming: Ident.t Env.t; (* renaming environment *)
env: (Typinfo.pattern * Typinfo.exp) Env.t;

(* Build a renaming from an environment *)
let build global_funs ({ renaming } as acc) env =
let buildrec n entry (env, renaming) =
let m = Ident.fresh (Ident.source n) in
Env.add m entry env,
Env.add n m renaming in
let env, renaming = Env.fold buildrec env (Env.empty, renaming) in
env, { acc with renaming }

(* associate a pattern and an expression to a variable according to its type *)
(* [intro t_env subst = subst', t_env'] *)
let build global_funs ({ renaming; env } as acc) env =
(* returns a pair [spat, se] with [spat] a pattern, [se] an expression *)
let result { source } entry acc ty =
let id = Ident.fresh source in
(Aux.varpat id, Aux.var id),
Env.add id { entry with t_tys = Deftypes.scheme ty } acc in
let rec value id entry acc ({ t_desc } as ty) =
match t_desc with
| Tvar | Tarrow _ | Tvec _ | Tconstr _ -> result id entry acc ty
| Tproduct(ty_list) ->
let p_e_list, acc = Util.mapfold (value id entry) acc ty_list in
let p_list, e_list = List.split p_e_list in
(Aux.tuplepat p_list, Aux.tuple e_list), acc
| Tlink(ty_link) -> value id entry acc ty_link in
let add id ({ t_tys = { typ_body }; t_sort; t_path } as entry)
(subst_acc, env_acc) =
match t_sort with
| Sort_val | Sort_var ->
let r, env_acc = value id entry env_acc typ_body in
Env.add id r subst_acc, env_acc
| _ ->
(* state variables are not splitted but renamed *)
let r, env_acc = result id entry env_acc typ_body in
Env.add id r subst_acc, env_acc in
let buildrec n entry (env, renaming) =
let m = Ident.fresh (Ident.source n) in
Env.add m entry env,
Env.add n m renaming in
let env, renaming = Env.fold buildrec env (Env.empty, renaming) in
env, { acc with renaming }Env.fold add t_env (subst, Env.empty)

(* matching. Translate [(p1,...,pn) = (e1,...,en)] into the set of *)
(* equations [p1 = e1 and ... and pn = en] *)
(* [compose] defines the type of equation: [init p = e] or [p = e] *)
let rec matching compose eq_list ({ pat_desc } as p) ({ e_desc } as e) =
match pat_desc, e_desc with
| Etuplepat(p_list), Etuple(e_list) ->
matching_list compose eq_list p_list e_list
| _ -> (compose p e) :: eq_list

and matching_list compose eq_list p_list e_list =
List.fold_left2 (matching compose) eq_list p_list e_list

(* Functions which traverse the ast *)
(** expressions *)
let rec expression subst ({ e_desc = desc } as e) =
match desc with
| Econst _ | Econstr0 _ | Eglobal _ -> e
| Elast(x) -> { e with e_desc = Elast(name_of_name x subst) }
| Elocal(x) ->
let ename = exp_of_name x subst in
{ e with e_desc = ename.e_desc }
| Etuple(e_list) ->
{ e with e_desc = Etuple( (expression subst) e_list) }
| Econstr1(c, e_list) ->
{ e with e_desc = Econstr1(c, (expression subst) e_list) }
| Erecord(n_e_list) ->
{ e with e_desc =
Erecord( (fun (ln, e) ->
(ln, expression subst e)) n_e_list) }
| Erecord_access(e_record, ln) ->
{ e with e_desc = Erecord_access(expression subst e_record, ln) }
| Erecord_with(e_record, n_e_list) ->
{ e with e_desc =
Erecord_with(expression subst e_record, (fun (ln, e) ->
(ln, expression subst e)) n_e_list) }
| Eop(op, e_list) ->
{ e with e_desc = Eop(op, (expression subst) e_list) }
| Eapp(app, e_op, e_list) ->
let e_op = expression subst e_op in
let e_list = (expression subst) e_list in
{ e with e_desc = Eapp(app, e_op, e_list) }
| Etypeconstraint(e1, ty) ->
{ e with e_desc = Etypeconstraint(expression subst e1, ty) }
| Eseq(e1, e2) ->
{ e with e_desc = Eseq(expression subst e1, expression subst e2) }
| Elet(l, e_let) ->
let subst, l = local subst l in
{ e with e_desc = Elet(l, expression subst e_let) }
| Eperiod _ | Epresent _ | Ematch _ | Eblock _ -> assert false

(** Local declarations *)
and local subst ({ l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env } as l) =
let subst, l_env = build l_env subst in
let eq_list = equation_list subst eq_list in
subst, { l with l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env }

and pattern subst p =
match p.p_desc with
| Ewildpat | Econstpat _ | Econstr0pat _ -> p
| Etuplepat(p_list) ->
{ p with p_desc = Etuplepat( (pattern subst) p_list) }
| Econstr1pat(c, p_list) ->
{ p with p_desc = Econstr1pat(c, (pattern subst) p_list) }
| Evarpat(x) ->
let pname = pat_of_name x subst in
{ p with p_desc = pname.p_desc }
| Ealiaspat(p1, n) ->
{ p with p_desc = Ealiaspat(pattern subst p1, name_of_name n subst) }
| Eorpat(p1, p2) ->
{ p with p_desc = Eorpat(pattern subst p1, pattern subst p2) }
| Erecordpat(l_p_list) ->
let l_p_list = (fun (l, p) -> (l, pattern subst p)) l_p_list in
{ p with p_desc = Erecordpat(l_p_list) }
| Etypeconstraintpat(p1, ty) ->
{ p with p_desc = Etypeconstraintpat(pattern subst p1, ty) }

and equation subst eq_list ({ eq_desc = desc } as eq) =
let returns eq eq_desc eq_list =
{ eq with eq_desc = eq_desc; eq_write = Deftypes.empty } :: eq_list in
match desc with
| EQeq(p, e) ->
let p = pattern subst p in
let e = expression subst e in
matching (fun p e -> Zaux.eqmake (EQeq(p, e))) eq_list p e
| EQder(x, e, e_opt, []) ->
returns eq (EQder(name_of_name x subst, expression subst e,
Zmisc.optional_map (expression subst) e_opt, [])) eq_list
| EQinit(x, e) ->
(* [x] should not be renamed as it is a state variable *)
returns eq (EQinit(name_of_name x subst,
expression subst e)) eq_list
| EQnext(x, e, e_opt) ->
(* [x] should not be renamed as it is a state variable *)
returns eq (EQnext(name_of_name x subst, expression subst e,
Zmisc.optional_map (expression subst) e_opt)) eq_list
| EQpluseq(x, e) ->
(* [x] should not be renamed as it is a multi-write variable *)
returns eq (EQpluseq(name_of_name x subst,
expression subst e)) eq_list
| EQreset(reset_eq_list, e) ->
returns eq (EQreset(equation_list subst reset_eq_list,
expression subst e)) eq_list
| EQmatch(total, e, m_h_list) ->
returns eq (EQmatch(total, expression subst e, (handler subst) m_h_list)) eq_list
| EQblock(b) ->
returns eq (EQblock(block subst b)) eq_list
| EQand(and_eq_list) ->
returns eq (EQand(equation_list subst and_eq_list)) eq_list
| EQbefore(before_eq_list) ->
returns eq (EQbefore(equation_list subst before_eq_list)) eq_list
| EQforall ({ for_index = i_list; for_init = init_list;
for_body = b_eq_list;
for_in_env = fi_env; for_out_env = fo_env } as b) ->
let subst, fi_env = build fi_env subst in
let subst, fo_env = build fo_env subst in
let index ({ desc = desc } as ind) =
let desc = match desc with
| Einput(i, e) -> Einput(name_of_name i subst, expression subst e)
| Eoutput(oi, o) ->
Eoutput(name_of_name oi subst, name_of_name o subst)
| Eindex(i, e1, e2) ->
Eindex(name_of_name i subst,
expression subst e1, expression subst e2) in
{ ind with desc = desc } in
let init ({ desc = desc } as ini) =
let desc = match desc with
| Einit_last(i, e) ->
Einit_last(name_of_name i subst, expression subst e) in
{ ini with desc = desc } in
let i_list = index i_list in
let init_list = init init_list in
let b_eq_list = block subst b_eq_list in
returns eq
{ b with for_index = i_list; for_init = init_list;
for_body = b_eq_list; for_in_env = fi_env;
for_out_env = fo_env }) eq_list
| EQautomaton _ | EQpresent _ | EQder _ | EQemit _ -> assert false

and equation_list subst eq_list =
let eq_list = List.fold_left (equation subst) [] eq_list in List.rev eq_list

and handler subst ({ m_pat = p; m_body = b; m_env = m_env } as m_h) =
let subst, m_env = build m_env subst in
let p = pattern subst p in
{ m_h with m_pat = p; m_body = block subst b; m_env = m_env }

and block subst ({ b_vars = v_list; b_body = eq_list; b_env = b_env } as b) =
(* the field [b.b_locals] must be [] as this compilation step is done *)
(* after normalisation *)
let vardec_list subst v_list =
(* Warning. if [n] is a state variable or associated with a *)
(* default value of combine function, it is not split into a tuple *)
(* but a single name. The code below makes this assumption. *)
let vardec acc ({ vardec_name = n} as v) =
let p = pat_of_name n subst in
let nset = Vars.fv_pat S.empty S.empty p in
S.fold (fun n acc -> { v with vardec_name = n } :: acc) nset acc in
List.fold_left vardec [] v_list in

let subst, b_env = build b_env subst in
let v_list = vardec_list subst v_list in
{ b with b_vars = v_list; b_body = equation_list subst eq_list;
b_env = b_env; b_write = Deftypes.empty }

let implementation impl =
match impl.desc with
| Eopen _ | Etypedecl _ -> impl
| Econstdecl(n, is_static, e) ->
{ impl with desc = Econstdecl(n, is_static, expression Env.empty e) }
| Efundecl(n, ({ f_body = e; f_env = f_env; f_args = p_list } as body)) ->
let subst, f_env = build f_env Env.empty in
let p_list = (pattern subst) p_list in
let e = expression subst e in
{ impl with desc =
Efundecl(n, { body with f_body = e;
f_env = f_env; f_args = p_list }) }

let implementation_list impl_list = Zmisc.iter implementation impl_list

let set_index funs acc n =
let _ = Ident.set n in n, acc
let get_index funs acc n = Ident.get (), acc

let program genv p =
let global_funs = { Mapfold.default_global_funs with build; var_ident } in
let funs =
{ Mapfold.defaults with
expression; global_funs; set_index; get_index; implementation;
open_t } in
let p, _ = Mapfold.program_it funs { empty with genv } p in


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